A Game of Imagination 💗

307 11 1

Platonic Dukexiety💚💜
Brotherly Creativetwins❤💚



(Words: 949)

"I shall defeat you!" The knight's announced as he held his sword out.

The dragon witch laughed as he stood infront of the tower behind him with his mace in hand. His scales that wrapped around his body were a mix of black and dark green while black horns sat on top of his head were tangled in dark brown locks of hair. A black cloak layed over his shoulders with a black and green evil kings outfit underneath.

Opposite him was our hero, the knight's auburn hair sat neatly on his head. A bright red sash layed over his white long sleeved shirt with golden emblems. He wore black trousers and high dark brown boots.

"You will never save the prince! He is mine!" The evil king cackled.

He then launched himself forwards and lifted his mace up above his head then lowered to strike. The knight blocked it with his sword then pushed the other backwards. The beast growled and shot back up swinging his mace again. He struck the knight right in the stomach causing him to stumble back. The guard ran forward and swung his sword which sliced the front if the dragon witch's chest.

The villian gasped in pain before launching itself onto the knight causing the both of them to drop their weapons. They wrestled on the floor for a bit before the knight finally had gotten ontop of the beast and grabbed his sword. He lifted it up the blade and stabbed the monster in the chest.

It died a quick and painless death.

The knight stepped off of the body and stood next to it. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead before walking towards the tower. He opened the wooden door before climbing up the tall ladder that lead to a trap door. Opening the door, he pushed himself through and looked around. His eyes landed on the big bed infront of him. It had purple see through curtains which hid a black duvet and pillows.

Under the covers was the Prince. He had raven black hair with dark purple highlights and a black and purple prince outfit. A single red rose layed in his hands that were placed over his chest in a Sleeping Beauty like position.

The knight walked over and pushed the curtains away. A soft smile came over his face as he looked down at the Prince. He then kneeled down by the side of the bed and leaned over. After giving the boy a soft kiss on the check, he moved away and looked down at him smiling. The Prince's eyes fluttered open and they landed onto the knight.

The prince sat up and yawned into his hand. The knight took his hand and guided him out of the bed. They both stood next to it and smiled at eachother.

"Thank you, my hero for saving me" The Prince said.

"Theres no need to thank me your majesty, it's my job" The Knight answered.

They starred into each others eyes silently with soft smiles on their faces. Till a loud thud came from the trap door. The Knight pulled the Prince behind him as he looked over to the noise. Stood infront if the trap hole was the dragon witch from before.

"I just killed you!" The Knight exclaimed.

"I'm magic bitch!" The king laughed.

The knight pulled out his sword then gestured for the Prince to hide on the bed. Once he did, the knight ran forward and swung at the witch. The beast jumped out of the way and swung its mace at the knight. It hit him right in stomach sending him onto the floor.

But he missed the floor. He felt the wind pass him as he fell. Fell down the trapdoor. His back hit the ground and he cried out in pain.

"Oh crap!" The villains voice yelled "Are you okay?"

The Knight laughed and placed his arm over his face, "No I'm dead! You've killed the great knight!"

The Prince giggled, "How could you kill the great Knight!"

The Knight lifted his arm up slight and pouted at the prince, "How dare you laugh at my death!"

Then the door swang open and the Grand Healer swung the door open, "Is everything okay? I heard a loud noise?"

But it turns out the Grand Healer wasn't actually who he seemed. He was actually Patton! Gasp! Opening the door, he had revealed the true secrets of the game. There weren't actual any knights or princes (well that's half true) or dragon witches! No. Just three children playing a game of imagination.

Roman sat up from where he was laying on the floor and pouted, "No everything is not okay! I was murdered!"

Remus laughed as he waved his mace towards his brother, "Oh come on! I was just playing my role!"

"I killed you first!" Roman pointed up at him accusingly.

"Well like I said, I'm magic!" Remus shot back, "And since you're dead~"

He dropped his mace onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Virgil who wore a plastic crown on his head. Virgil lightly laughed which caused the real prince to gasp annoyed. Patton quietly laughed into his hand.

"Well kiddos, since you've been adventuring all day I can only assume you would need some spaghetti to fuel yourself for your next one" Patton smiled at them.

All three of the children cheered and followed the moral side as he left the room. That's when Roman vowed he'd get his revenge on his brother for cheating.

But first Spaghetti!

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