Crashing Someone Else's Date Together 💗 🎁🎉

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🎉🎁Happy Birthday to Me🎁🎉

Art by me :) (SlytherinGhost on Instagram)



•A Lighter

(Words: 4833)

A new song came on from his shuffled Spotify playlist. Virgil tapped his foot to the rhythm as he swiped through Instagram. It was a peaceful day in the apartment. Quite a surprise considering who he lived with. But they were all out leaving him alone to do as he pleased.

But where were the others? Well Logan and Patton were out on a date at the fancy restaurant. Well as fancy as you could around get here. And Roman? Well he was attending a call back for the upcoming musical he was auditioning for. Virgil couldn't quite remember which one it was though. But it's not his fault! Roman talks so much it kinda gets muddled up in your memories.

And speaking of the chattermouth.

The door to the living room swang open with a loud shout, "PATTON YOU'RE NOT GONNA BEL-" Virgil ripped his earphones out of his ears and looked up "oh its just you..."

"Oh how nice..."

"That's not what I.... ugh!" Roman groaned from the doorway, his hand in his wavy Aurban hair.

Virgil rolled his eyes and turned back to his Instagram. Roman gave out what sounded like a wounded noise. Which was completely ignored. And so was the human that flopped onto the sofa next to him.

"Soooooo you're probaly wondering what happened-" Roman smirked while his head rested on the edge of the emo's thigh.

"Don't care" Virgil interrupted.

"-Oh Virgil how you wound me!" Roman whined.

A few seconds went by without a peep from the actor. Virgil sighed softly from his nose and looked down. Roman layed their with his arms crossed against his chest and a pout on his face staring into the kitchen. Oh my God hes so childish. But like in a cute way- WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!

Virgil turned off his phone and placed it on the sofa's arm before saying with the most deadpan voice know to mankind in history, "I'm sorry Roman, please tell me what happened"

His signature lopsided smile returned, "Well if you insist My Chemically Imbalanced Romance. I was gifted a lead role in the musical. Personally I wanted Damien but Aaron is just as good."

Oh it was Mean Girls.

"Aaron? Doesn't that mean your gonna have to kiss a girl?" Virgil questioned with his head rested against the back of the sofa.

"Yeah but it'll only be a stage kiss," He pressed his thumb against his lips and his next words came out muffled, "You know with the thumb"

Virgil nodded his head and hummed in response. But that didn't seem good enough for his Prince like friend.

"You know," His thumb was off his lips so his voice was back to normal, "I could show you if you want~"

"Ok Remus"

Roman gasped in the utter most offence, "How dare! I will cut you!"

"What with your Lord of the Rings sword?" Virgil snickered.

The offended swung his arm in the air, "Its a sword! It doesn't matter where it came from!"

"Its plastic"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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