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I hope you're prepared for a very long chapter!

I hope you're prepared for a very long chapter!

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Lucille felt sick.

The low hum of the engine sounded murderous to her ears. The car was otherwise silent, giving the air an eerie nature to it.

She imagined it to be similar to the journey the two boys had made into battle. She knew she may have been called ignorant for it, but she believed it to be the same. They were marching head forward into the mouth of death, straight into the devil's quarters, with no grip on the sense of chance that they may or may not have had. After all, fortune was a fickle referee in a very deadly game.

But Lucille knew better than to play her future off to chance. With a mindset like that, there was no way that they would make it onto the train and on their way to Paris.

It had taken Eugène two weeks to collect the travel papers that she would use to get passed the heavily guarded station. She had asked him how he had managed to get them and he had told her not to worry about it. But after a few cakes, he had told her of an unimportant German soldier that he had accidentally befriended during the village occupation. He was a man who opposed the views of the war, but was forced into it nonetheless and wanted to help.

Lucille had wished that she hadn't worried about it, that she had gone on with the plan without asking. As they drove to the next stop, all that clouded her mind was the possibility that Eugène had been misled. That the soldier had given them a faulty paper that, unbeknownst to them, ordered for their arrest.

The situation asked for her to trust in the goodness of a stranger. Lucille had always strove to do that. She truly believed that their was kindness in everyone. But the war had dimmed her spirits and she didn't know whether she had the belief to hold her together.

Her mind was so preoccupied that she couldn't even think of the fact that I'm the matter of no more than a week, she would be saying goodbye to Tommy and Dawson. Perhaps that was a good thing. Any other time it would have hindered her actions and slowed her thoughts.

"You okay?" Lucille turned to flash Eugène a smile. She sat next to him in the front of the small car.

"I'm fine, of course." She mumbled and the man shook his head in return, not believing her.

"Try not to worry." He said and Lucille laughed lightly.

"That won't stop me worrying." She said, as she looked out of the window at the lengthy fields that were in view. "I'm beginning to think that I'm made to worry."

She felt someone lean in beside her. Tommy's head rested against the back of the seat that reached the width of the car.

"He's right though, you don't need to worry." He said. "We'll make sure that nothing happens to you. I won't allow it."

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