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Before the chapter starts I want to say this...

I just saw "Miracle in Cell no.7" (the one from Turkey, I think it was produced by Netflix but I don't know because I don't have Netflix, I'm poor) and man... I have never cried so much with a movie... so... my advise here is... don't watch it if you are with your period or the week before it, it would be pure masochism...

Pelicula culia triste T_T (this part only Chileans will understand, and maybe some people of Argentina... I can't translate it to English because it is pure slang, and it totally express my emotion)

Also, stay home, don't be stupid, if you have the possibility to stay home then take it; if you are a health worker I will tell you that I admire you and thanks for your service, as a future colleague I thank you; for the ones that just lost a family member my condolences; let's take care of ourselves and our families so we can overcome this crisis...

Quedense en casa, si tienen la posibilidad de hacerlo háganlo; si son funcionarios de salud les diré que los admiro y les doy las gracias por su trabajo, como futura colega del área de la salud les doy las gracias; para aquellos que han perdido un miembro de su familia les doy mis condolencias; cuidemonos a nosotros y a nuestras familias para poder superar esta crisis.

That's all. If you read this: thank you


*Still Alastor's POV*

I looked at the white box in my hands doubting if I should give it to her or hide it, even when I'm in front of her door the idea of throw this box away seemed like a good one, but if she finds up I'll lose the opportunity she gave to me, sighing I knock at the door.

Her light footsteps audible through the door, soon she opened her door, she was wearing her usual attire combined with a red cap with globed sleeves. 

-Yes?- She asked.

-Hello again my dear~- I greeted- Sorry for interrupting your daily routine but someone sent you this- I show her the gift.

-Oh- she grabbed the box- thanks for bringing it here, you shouldn't have to bother...- she was being kind.

-It isn't a bother to me- I stated- by the way, were you able to have a talk with your son?

-Oh... well- she looked to the sides searching if anyone was there- come inside, the walls here usually listen...- she moved aside letting me in.

Hearing the door close behind me I turned around, she leaves the box on a corner table.

-Make yourself comfortable- she said- want something to drink?- she offered, making her way to a little minibar.

-Whatever is fine to me- I said watching her pour liquor on 2 glasses.

-Here- I grab the glass brushing her soft fingers until she walks to a near chair and sits there.


-Well, about Cerberus... he...- (y/n) was nervous, she avoided my gaze and look everywhere but me- he's still in denial... You have to understand that you almost kill him, fuck, you even scared me- she added- I don't blame him for not trusting you Alastor- she took a sip of her glass- but, at least you've tried- she smiles a bit.

-Have you told him about our little deal?- I asked, my glass was now half-filled. She nodded with sadness- how did he take it?

-Bad... but not as bad as I expected- she sighs, melancholy invading her gaze as she took a big sip of her drink, almost getting her glass empty.

Queen of Hearts (Alastor x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora