Chapter 1

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September began to make its presence known by bringing with it a chilly breeze that swept through the grounds of UA. Although the sun still scorched during the day, the evenings began to grow colder. The incident at Kamino Ward still managed to make headline news, while all the students in class 1A began to go through changes due to the attack on the summer camp that left 11 injured and one kidnapping. The faculty decided to bring everyone on campus to ensure the safety of all the students. Everyone was settling into their dorm rooms trying to get used to their new surroundings, because from then on, this would be the place they would be calling home throughout the school year. The idea that the number one hero is no longer the symbol of peace started to spread its seed of doubt and worry among everyone. Especially students in the hero course started sensing the unease that his absence brought forth. All might, the symbol of peace, would always show up and save the day if trouble were to arise.

Everyone in the dorm of class 1A retired to their individual rooms, most were asleep, but Izuku Mydoriya, a green-haired, plain boy who grew up without a quirk for most of his life, lies awake at night, staring off into the vast dark outside. Everybody's laughter made me forget for a moment, the seriousness of the situation. It seemed a miracle that everyone could smile and laugh after such an attack, not to mention that the symbol of peace was no more and criminals' confidence was sure to heighten, He thought. He raised his right hand to his face, examining the scars against the pale moonlight. This feeling of unease doesn't seem like it'll go away any time soon. I have to give it my all, to become the hero I want to be. His brows furrowed in determination. No matter what, I will be the next symbol of peace. He closed his hand tightly into a fist. He let his arm fall to his side as he let out a sigh. His eyelids drooped and soon enough, was fast asleep.

Two floors above, Katsuki Bakugo, was turning in his bed, an expression full of anger. It pains me to know that I needed help from that little nerd. He gripped his sheets while gritting his teeth, We both looked up to all might, yet he managed to become his sidekick, and I ended up being the reason why the number one hero was forced into retirement. I will never forgive you, Deku. I will surpass you, no matter if you have All might in your corner or not.

-The next morning-

"I won't let you down!" His eyes adjusted to his surroundings, little by little, the fog of his dreams dissipated into nothing, leaving him in utter confusion. Staring at the strange room before him, he said, "Wait, this isn't my-"Suddenly waves of memories from the previous night slammed into his consciousness. "Oh, that's right. I'm in a dorm now."

He stretched out his arms and dangled them tiredly at his sides as he reached for the doorknob. Stepping out into the hallway that connected the individual rooms, he found his way down into the common area where all the boys shared a bathroom. He shuffled his way toward the bathroom, taking in the sunlight that poured from the windows down upon the wooden floor. Upon entering the bathroom, he shivered to the feeling of his feet, touching the cold tile floor. Although he was wearing white socks, it wasn't the same cozy wooden flooring.

"Good morning Mydoriya!" A tall boy with glasses waved, as he held a toothbrush in hand.

"Hey, Ida! How did you sleep?" Izuku walked over to the long bathroom counter with four individual sinks.

"Not too bad! I gotta say last night was probably the soundest I've slept in a while. What about  yourself?" He began to brush his teeth with vigor.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "I'm glad one of us had a good night's rest, I don't feel all that rested, I had a lot on my mind." He said with a sheepish smile.

Izuku began to brush his teeth, and as he did, he examined himself in the mirror. Hair sticking out in all directions, subtle bags under his eyes, and the extensive scarring on his right arm. He lowered his face into the sink and began to rinse with water. When he returned his gaze into the mirror, his face was dripping water and immediately locked eyes with the reflection of a blonde-haired taller boy. He grabbed for a towel and turned around rapidly, and gave him a huge smile. "Goodmorning, Kachan!" His eyes beamed with innocence and glee.

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