Chapter 3

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"Move it, nerd." Izuku's eyes widened. His eyes trailed the back of Bakugou. Uraraka was glaring over at him.

"Hey, uh.." Izuku piped up, "You don't think he overheard us, right?"

"I uh... doubt it, don't worry about it."

Izuku's eyes were trained on him until he finally walked out of sight. Good, I don't even want to think about how bad he would taunt me for this.

Izuku laid face down on his bed, rewinding the thoughts about Todoroki and the possibility that Bakugou heard. He pulled out his phone from underneath his pillow and dialed Uraraka.

Hey, what's up, Deku?

"Hey Uraraka, I can't shake the feeling-"

It's fine, Deku, don't worry so much! Remember what I said? Todoroki is so into you.

"No, it's not that..." Izuku turned in his bed and stared out of his window.

What is it, Deku?

"Can I tell you something that you promise not to tell anyone? And I mean it."

Of course, sorry about the whole Todoroki thing today. I'm just so sure he shares your feelings, and he's not exactly known for sharing his emotions. You can tell me anything, I promise, I won't tell another soul!

Izuku bit his lip and sighed, "Well growing up, I use to really like Kacchan-"


"Yeah, I know, he pretty much hates my guts... but something about him always made me appreciate him as a fighter, no matter what he always does, everything he can to win. As toxic as a trait that might be, it shows that he's got spirit, and I admired that about him... although." Izuku trailed off and closed his eyes in frustration.


"For me, that ship sailed a long time ago. It's not like he did something, in particular, to make me dislike him, after all the things he has said to me. The things he's done to me, well... It made me realize that it would never happen, and that in this life, we're meant to be rivals and nothing more. Besides..." He trailed off as he stared off to his desk on the opposite side of his room. A single All Might pin decorated in blue and red stood in a small glass box.

Bakugou isn't someone I would ever see being remotely kind to anyone. Relationship wise I'm not entirely sure he's cut out for that. Sure he might rise to any challenge, but tackling love isn't something I see him winning in.

Izuku smiled at the thought of Bakugou, "Right."


The next day they were back at gym gamma, and Izuku and Iida were off in the corner practicing the same moves.

"Like this?" Asked Izuku as he stuck out his leg and swung.

"Yeah, but try and extend your ankle. Otherwise, you might injure yourself," said Iida as he struck a pose with his leg in the air.

Izuku studied it carefully, mumbling to himself, Izuku positioned himself ready and swung out his leg a second time, "Like that?"

"Yes! You've got it! It's all about practice," said Iida proudly.

"Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to show me some of your moves!" Izuku said with a huge smile.

A huge fiery flame rose from the top of the cement hills, "Focus Todoroki!" Yelled out Ectoplasm.

Him or me? (Bakuxdeku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora