Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I'm alive! Please forgive my infrequent updates! Sorry for all the grammatical errors you might encounter! Please enjoy!

The next morning everyone was bustling downstairs trying to get out of the dorms on time according to Iida's pushy commands.

Kirishima spotted Bakugou out of the corner of his eye who was leaning on the wall near the hallway entrance,"Hey man? What's going on? Why aren't you dressed for school?" Asked Kirishima as he flung his backpack over his shoulders.

"On house arrest," said Bakugou nonchalantly.

"What!!? What did you do!?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yeah! What the heck!? "

"It was nothing, I got in a fight with Deku."


"Yeah," he pushed himself off the wall and glared over at Kirishima, "Should prove, I'm not into him shouldn't it?"

Kirishima slapped his back, making him jump in surprise, "Huh?"

"That's exactly what I thought your feelings would make you do! Explosion boy!"

"What the hell did you just call me!?" Kirishima laughed nervously as he signaled for him to calm down.

"I'm just teasing. But why not just stop hiding your feelings towards Midoriya. And just be nice?"

Bakugou raised an eyebrow in annoyance, "... Nice?"

"Yeah, I mean, I've seen it. You smile at his achievements, you push him. You want him to be able to hold his own, don't you?"

"What? I don't do that! Stop saying stupid crap."

"But instead of seeing it that way, why not just be nice?-"

"No more talking" interjected a deep hoarse voice. They turned to see Aizawa wearing the same tired expression. "Bakugou and Midoriya have some chores to get to. Isn't that right Bakugou?" He said.

Bakugou's eyebrow twitched, "Yeah."


Todoroki walked down the cafeteria and found the table where Jiro, Hagakure, Ashido, and Yayorouzu sat.

"Um hey you guys."

They looked up and smiled, "Hey, what's up Todoroki? Don't you usually sit with Midoriya and the rest?" Asked Yayorozu.

"Well, Midoriya's on house arrest but um-"

"Wait Midoriya!?" Shouted all at once.

"Yeah and Bakugou..."

"Oh well that explains it, they probably got in a fight or something," said Jiro.

"I have something I'd like to discuss with you guys."

"Us?" Asked Ashido and Hagakure in unison. Jiro's eyebrows raised in suspicion.

"Yes, it's sort of embarrassing but I don't know who else would be able to help me."

"Of course. Here," Yayorozu pulled up a chair, "Sit and tell us about it."

"You see... I've noticed that Bakugou does nothing but try to make Midoriya feel as bad as he can about himself whenever the opportunity presents itself."

Jiro leaned on the table and rolled her eyes, "Yeah it's pretty hard not to notice."

"Well, I was thinking that maybe, he doesn't mean to put him down.." Todoroki looked off to where Izuku would usually sit, smiling.

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