Chapter 6

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Here is the next chapter! As I said, I wanted to upload two since the last chapter wasn't as long as other chapters. Enjoy! (:
~Please excuse any grammatical errors!

The day finally came when Izuku could go back to school although Bakugou was still stuck at home unable to leave until the following day. That night, Izuku was hard at work trying to catch up on all the work he missed along with Todoroki's help in his dorm. Finally, after hours of nonstop rigorous work, Izuku started to nod off while writing in his notebook. Todoroki noticed and smiled softly. "Looks like somebody's tired."

Izuku lifted his chin off the table and looked up at Todoroki with half lidded eyes, "Who me? I'm just getting started..." He said sluggishly.

Todoroki patted his head and ruffled his hair slightly, "I think we should probably go to bed soon, you've worked hard enough. We can continue tomorrow after school."

Izuku perked up and with eyes wide, he stuttered, "N-no it's fine! I don't want to take more time away from you as it is! I know you're really busy too!"

Todoroki cocked his head to the side and leaned in, "Are you okay? You seem to be a bit red in the face."

Izuku's face turned an even brighter red at the comment. "Y-yeah totally fine! A-anyways thank you so much for helping me catch up, you were a real big help!" Izuku stood with Todoroki as they walked toward the door together. " I really owe you!"


Izuku stepped out into the hallway and smiled, "Let me know if there's anything I can do to properly thank you. Well, have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow!" Izuku turned to leave.

"Wait," Izuku glanced over his shoulder. "If you insist on thanking me. Do me the favor of coming with me to the city this weekend."

Izuku froze, his heart beating loudly in his eardrums, deafening his very thoughts, "Oh! S-sure! Of course!"

Todoroki blushed and looked down, "Well, I'll text you the details. Goodnight Midoriya."

Izuku nodded, "Goodnight!" He closed the door and Izuku was left puzzled and happy as he smiled a huge goofy grin. He slowly walked down the hall and clicked open his door. Suddenly his phone started vibrating in his pocket.

"Hello?" Izuku closed the door behind him.

"DEKU! ARE YOU GUYS DONE STUDYING!? HOW WAS IT!? WHAT'D HE SAY!? TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!" Yelled a voice over the phone. Izuku backed the phone away wincing and smiling nervously.

"Calm down Uraraka. Nothing happened. We just went over things I missed in class." Izuku plopped down onto his bed and laid down with his arms and legs spread out and let out a big sigh.

"Oh! Is that a sigh of love! Deku! I know you're not telling me something!"

Deku rolled around to face the phone and spoke, "Well, he asked me to accompany him somewhere this weekend-"

"AH! OMG I knew it!!! Oh wow! A date! We need to get you something nice but not enough to show that you actually tried! This is going to be amazing! Aren't you excited!?"

Deku laughed nervously and scratched his head, "Well nobody said it was a date. Besides if it's just the two of us, I'm more nervous than excited."

"You'll be fine! Besides, I'm always here as moral support!"

Deku smiled,"Thanks Uraraka."

The next day, Todoroki invited Deku back to his room that afternoon to help him with his studies. Bakugou looked on as they disappeared down the common area hallway. Kirishima noticed this and sat down next to him. "Hey, I know this is tough man."

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