Chapter 2

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Kirishima was examining his hair in the mirror, making sure it was standing up the right way. "Hey man, so I forgot to charge my phone last night." He said as he shoved his phone into Kaminari's face.

"Huh?" Kaminari's eyebrows rose in suspicion.

"I was wondering, maybe you could charge it."

"What!? Are you crazy? There's a good chance I could fry your phone!"

Kirishima leaned in with a grin, "Well, let's test it out!"

Kaminari looked back at him nervously and then swiped his phone, "Alright fine, you asked for it." A small spark emanated from Kaminari's fingertips and onto Kirishima's phone. The screen lit up brightly.

"Hey!" Kirishima held up his phone, "It's fully charged!"

"Hey, no way, can you do mine next!" Asked Sero with a smile.

Kaminari gritted his teeth, "Hey! I'm no cell phone charger!"

"Everyone! Please be ready and out the door in no less than 10 minutes! We are class 1A. It would be shameful to arrive any later!" His voice echoed through most of the common area, sending a few people to voice their agreement.

Ashido leaned against the kitchen counter, "Yo Ida, chill out, we got plenty of time," mumbled Ashido with half-lidded eyes. A group of the students were gathered, sitting at the dining room tables.

"After you are done making your coffee, make sure to put away everything before you leave!" Ida said as he sped walked into the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Asked Ashido.

"Probably to relay the message to everyone who still hasn't shown signs of being alive yet," Izuku mumbled into the table.

"What's up with you?" Asked Ururaka.

Izuku popped his head up from the table, disoriented, "Who me? Nothing." Izuku let out a weak dazed smile, "I'm just not much of a morning person." He placed his head back down onto the table.

"I don't think anyone is," mumbled Ashido.

Ida marched back into the common area. Jiro pointed over her shoulder, "I beg to differ."

"If everyone is not out in the next five minutes-"

"You'll ground us?" Asked Kaminari, who stepped out of the bathroom.

"Relax, man. We got time! Don't blow a fuse." Said Kirishima, closely following behind Kaminari.

"Speaking of things that tend to explode, where's Bakugo?" Asked Kaminari, "He's the only one who isn't at the very least downst-"

"He's already left," Todoroki said as he grabbed his shoes and headed toward the door. Everyone looked over their shoulder toward Todoroki. Izuku popped his head up and kept his gaze trained on him until the door closed behind him. I can't help but feel like something is wrong, I want to ask, but I feel like I've already meddled in his business way too much for him to feel comfortable telling me. Still, I hope he knows that I'm here if he needs it.


Todoroki concentrated on the path in front of him, leading to the school's entryway. The wind was picking up, bringing his bangs to rise and gently fall back onto his pale skin.


"Ooooo, what's that? Got a secret admirer, Todoroki? Is it a love letter?" Kaminari said as he peeked over his shoulder.

Hello Shouto Todoroki, it's been a while since we've had a decent chat, I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other pretty soon. Til then.

-end of flashback-

He fumbled with the piece of paper jammed inside his pants pocket. His thoughts swirled with possibilities as to who might've left that note. It didn't sound like anyone of my classmates. He took it out and examined the writing once more. Using my full name? Is someone just pulling a prank on me?

Class began, and everyone started to scribble notes in their early morning English class. Everyone, but Todoroki. He was tapping seamlessly on the edge of his desk as his foot rattled subtly underneath his chair.

Izuku snapped out of his concentration and glanced over at Todoroki and observed his strange behavior. This didn't go unnoticed by other peers such as Ururaka; she bit the tip of her pencil in concern.

"Hey, Deku," said Ururaka as they walked back to the dorms together after school was over.

"Hm? Yes, Ururaka?"

"You've been staring an awful lot at Todoroki," she said, trying to hide a grin spreading across her face. Izuku's cheeks quickly tinted a light pink.

"WAH? Really? I guess I've just noticed he's been acting a bit off lately."

"Yeah, but that's not all, is it?" She asked as she stopped. Izuku glanced over his shoulder. She held her fists tightly in excitement, "You like him!"

Izuku's face quickly burned a scarlet red, his mouth agape as he covered his head, "NO! NO! URURAKA YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG SEE-"

"Oh, Deku, you don't have to hide it!" Sweat started tricking down his skin. "Ah! You're sweating through your jacket!" Deku lowered his head and began to scratch nervously. "I've seen it before! At the sports festival! During the summer camp, and even now!"


"Come on, Deku, no use in hiding it!"

"Well, I-"Izuku let his head and hands hang low, "I've always had this funny feeling around him, ever since I found out about what motivates him, I've come to admire him. Maybe even like him."

Ururaka raised her hands to her face, and gasped, "Aw Deku! That's so cute!" Izuku lifted his gaze, and in an instant, a warm embrace surrounded him. Izuku's blush faded as he sighed a breath of relief. Ururaka let go and said, "And guess what?"

Deku looked at her over nervously, "What..?"

"I think the feelings' mutual," she said with a squeal.

His face quickly turned scarlet once more. He raised his hands to his face immediately, "What!? No, it's not possible! Don't even joke like that!" His hands lowered, and his demeanor seemed to hit a beat, No..." Izuku's expression turned into a subtle sad smile. This quickly toned down Ururaka's glee, "that's not possible."

"And why not?" She asked, tilting her head in concern.

"Because-"Deku let out a small gasp as he was pushed roughly aside.

"Move it, nerd." Izuku's eyes widened. His eyes trailed the back of Bakugo.

~So this chapter was pretty small just cause I thought it fitting to end on this scene (: Next chapter is sure to be longer~

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