4. hotel

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Yeonjun's POV:
I told Y/N to wait by the vending machine (A/N - I live in that vending machine hehe) while I went to tell the other members what happened.

*in the hall*
I told them the stuff that happened and that we should show Y/N the hotel.

"Oooooo Yeonjun hyung has a cr..... OW!" I slapped HueningKai before he could say anymore.
"Aawwww your blushinggggg!" Soobin teased pinching my cheeks whilst I glared at him.
(A/N: yah ok but flashbacks to that episode of Yeonbin flirting bc that was 👌🏼)

I was waiting for Yeonjun to come back when the door burst open and the whole of TXT tumbled through.
"Yahhhh don't push me hyung!" HueningKai screamed like a dolphin at Beomgyu who was laughing.
"Oh my god Kai stop WHINING! Your pushing me into the wall!" Taehyun complained, shoving HueningKai into a bush, and they pushed each other backwards and forwards. Taehyun accidentally shoved Beomgyu into Soobin who had use cling onto Yeonjun to stop himself falling. A major Yeonbin moment KSKCNDJDJS we ship. Then Beomgyu thought it would be fun to poke HueningKai, who freaked out and slammed into the vending machine where I was standing. Of course he then fell over, knocking me down too before Yeonjun grabbed my arm and Kai fell over himself.
(A/N: smh)
"Are you okay?" I asked HueningKai, who was still on the floor.
"Huh? Me? Oh yes I'm okay don't worry haha." he said shyly.
"Sorry," Beomgyu muttered like an innocent child and Kai took that opportunity to poke him back.
"Yah ok cut it out you two you're so immature!" Taehyun prised them apart.
"Boomer." Kai mumbled.
"I'm just a few months older, you dolphin!"
Okay so I've seen so many TXT crack videos but this was priceless.
Then they all turned to me and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die there.
"You're Y/N, right?" Taehyun asked me. I nodded.
"HueningKai at your service!" Kai jumped in front of Tae and did a dance. I laughed.
Beomgyu left his jumper in the hall so he and Taehyun went back to get that. Kai and Soobin went to the toilet before we left, leaving me with Yeonjun. Alone again.
"How are we getting to the hotel?" I broke the silence.
"Oh, we have a minibus." Yeonjun said.
Damn. They have their own minibus. Well i mean what did I expect they're TXT.
Kai and Soobin came back. Kai was singing Crown at the top of his lungs bc he was bored. Does this guy always have this much energy? I joined in. After two seconds Beomgyu and Taehyun came back to see us vibing. Of course Beomgyu had to join in too whilst we all waited for the minibus.
"You're good at dancing and singing Y/N," Kai smiled.
"Yh you could be our sixth member!" Beomgyu said.
Lol I wish. I felt Yeonjun's arm bump against mine.

The minibus arrived and we all got on.
"You first," Yeonjun said.
"I don't like sitting by the window," I lied to make him go first.
"....fine," he pouted, "but only if you sit next to me."
Beomgyu made fake puking sounds and Taehyun and Soobin smirked. HueningKai was holding back a laugh.
"Fine by me," I shrugged and sat down on the seat next to Yeonjun.
It was dark outside and the shine of the street lights as we went past each one made me drowsy.

Yeonjun's POV:
There was still twenty minutes to the hotel, even though it was the nearest one.
I felt a small weight on my shoulder and I heard soft breathing sounds. Y/N looked so cute and peaceful when she slept. Without waking her up, I stroked her hair and put an arm around her.
I looked to the row behind me to see Taehyun asleep against the window and Kai either trying to take mugshots or cute photos of him, whichever. Beom and Soobin were whispering frantically to each other and doing heart shapes with their hands. I glared daggers at them.

We finally arrived. Y/N shuffled a little and opened her eyes.

2nd person POV:
The minibus stopped in the hotel parking lot. It was dark, but you could tell it was a very large hotel, with coloured lights illuminating the white walls and big glass windows in every room. The lobby was a a circular glass area that was built into the side of it. The outside was decorated with smooth lawns and flowerbeds.

You shuffled and woke up when the car stopped. You looked around. You were lying on Yeonjun's shoulder and he had an arm around you. Yeonjun had dozed off too so you spent a while checking him out.
Does he always look this good?
Turns out he was awake the whole time.
You buried your face in your jumper. Yeonjun was about to hug you before he remembered that there were three immature ppl and one innocent child/dolphin (Kai) sharing the same minibus.

You made it in the hotel with the rest of TXT. This hotel was fancy.
You paid for a room which was surprisingly cheap compared to the looks of the hotel.

Since you didn't come home, you got a call from your mum asking where you were.

You: Hello mum
M: hey Y/N where are you?
You: oh I went to get dinner and then it got kinda late so I'm staying in a hotel
M: are you alone?
You: Huh? Oh no I'm not. I'm with Yeonjun
M: who's Yeonjun? I've never heard about you hanging out with any boys before. Is he your boyfriend then?
You: um-
M: god how did you manage..... you didn't inform me that you had a boyfriend
You: no mum-
M: well anyway darling have a good night. Your dad and I are going away for tomorrow so just stay with your boyfriend Yeonjun for another night alright? Bye!
You: mum he's not my...!

You sighed as your mum hung up. How the heck did she assume Yeonjun was your boyfriend. You wished.
Yeonjun on the other hand had been vaguely listening.
Boyfriend he thought. Sounds good to me.
You turned to see Yeonjun with a smirk on his face. You wanted to slap the hell out of him but you didn't. Obviously. He purposely avoided the boyfriend subject and said "so you're staying for a another night with us tomorrow?"
"y-yes," you managed to say.
"Mhm. Well okay let's go."
You thanked the receptionist after getting your key card to your room and joined the boys in the lift up.

Yooo it's the author

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Yooo it's the author.
Have a good life everyone ㅋㅋ

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