The Universe Restoration Plan

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What can I saaaay, it's eeeexpositiooooon?

Chapter F-31: The Universe Restoration Plan


Everyone was in attendance. The Kids Next Door, the Seven Lights, the Dimension Rebels, the Card Captives, and Nebula had all the planets in attendance so her faithful operatives could listen. "Is...Is it really you?" asked Jessie Sidney, walking up to her, mouth agape. "Calliope?"

"QUite trUthfUlly!" Calliope stuck up two fingers. "'Tis I, the one and only Calliope!"

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN CHEREN'S/MY BODY?!?" everyone screamed so loud, they shook the whole base.

"Please, not so loUd!!" Calliope clapped her ears shut. "Allow me to start from the beginning...ish. After my host body, Jagar King was killed, Lord English absorbed my essence into his own body. That same essence was the part that was cUt oUt of him and placed into Cheren's body for his own nefarioUs scheme. UnfortUnately, my brother's will dominated mine at the moment, so I coUld do nothing bUt wait." She turned to Sheila and Fybi, smiling. "I knew I coUld coUnt on yoU two! I hope TypheUs didn't give yoU too mUch of a bother." ^u^

She then faced the Hivebent crew. "And yoU too, Chelan and Vriska! YoU have my thanks as well!"

"WHAT?!" shouted Karkat. "Don't pull that crap, Vriska betrayed us!"

"That was only an act to trick 8ill and English, dum8ass!" retorted Vriska from her card. "Sigh... Actually, Chelan was the one to tell me. Well, she didn't tell me, she gestured me to read her mind. She knew that 8ill would come to me and said that I should go along with his plan."

"♪♪♪" Chelan hummed.

"Chelan doth claim that her future self contacted her." Fybi translated. "Only she knows the patterns of her own notes."

"Which is exactly how I knew I coUld trUst her!" Calliope grinned. "My brother hates any form of dialogUe that isn't his native tongUe. Which is... English! Heheh! ^u^ Not to mention her tendency to hUm gives him a royal headache. Of all the people here, English woUld watch her the least. I'll contact her past self as soon as we get those Zoni bUilt."

Without warning, Cheren drew his Master Sword and held it at her neck. "You still haven't given me a reason to trust you!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Jessie shouted. "We've known since the f**king beginning Calliope was on our side, otherwise we'd be f**king dead!"

"She was hiding in my body! I almost got everyone killed because of her! Was that part of your plan, Calliope, because I don't appreciate being used!"

"No, it wasn't!" cried Calliope. "It was my brother's plan to Use yoU, I jUst Used it to my advantage! I feel bad for what we did to yoU, bUt I had no choice! It was my only chance at escaping from him!"

"Cheren, move away." Panini stepped forth and pulled him aside. "Let me speak ta her." She stepped in front of Calliope. "Ahem..." And SOCKED her in the jaw. "BECAUSE OF YOU, Cheren lost his mind and turned us inta hideous MS PAINT FIGURES!!"

"I KNOW! I'm sorry!" UX

"Well, you better give us a VERY GOOD excuse, or I'll BEAT YA into green jelly!"

"I will, I will, jUst let me finish explaining!" Calliope got back to her feet. "In the ancient past, Lord English and I shared a body. OUr race of CherUbs all consist of two minds. However, only one mind can be active at a time. If I speak my brother's trUe name, I will fall into sleep. And if Lord English spoke my name, he woUld fall asleep. That was sUpposed to be the balance between Us... bUt my brother and I have always been good at sharing. Both of Us managed to stay awake. And all we loved to do... was create stories."

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