May We Give Blessings

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Chapter F-39: May We Give Blessings

Final boss: Lord English

Lord English inhaled a deep breath, drawing in the Time Chi around him. BONG. . . His goal was to obliterate the army of heroes in one Roar of Time. MaKayla, George, and Miyuki combined their powers and stood their ground against the condensed chi, sending it back to land the first blow against His Lordship. "Didn't he wipe out two galaxies with that same move?" George asked.

"Calliope must really be holding him back." Kayla deduced.

"This is our chance, everyone!" Cheren declared. "Don't hold back! Give him EVERYTHING you have!"

Cheren, Sheila, and Maddy were the first ones to go in, the Time Lord countering Cheren's blade with his golden sword, and when Maddy and Sheila threw powerful punches at his head, Lord English expanded a bubble in attempt to reduce their ages, to which MaKayla channeled her own chi to counter this affect. Lord English punched at Maddy, who dodged back, then both she and Sheila ran at him from the front. Lord English sped his own time to attack them each with separate fists, and Sheila and Maddy had to punch just as fast to combat those fists. Makava and Kimaya stabbed him from behind, but the Life Fibers in English's clothes threw the girls back and sewed themselves.

"Those red strings were the same ones the tailor lady had!" Wendy recognized.

"She must have made that outfit." Charle figured. "This will make it a tad more tricky to damage him."

"Suki, whatever you do, don't stop praying." Miyuki told her sister.

"I won't, Sister-chan!" Suki had encased herself in an ice diamond shield, hands folded.

"SUki, the title I gave yoU in the Seven Lights is 'The Believer.' YoU possess the piece of my being that believes anything is possible. If yoU keep believing yoUr friends will win, it will make them stronger. BecaUse that belief stems from my power, it can even penetrate his Logia defenses."

And strangely enough, the heroes felt a subtle, but strong increase in their strength. Sheila grabbed Maddy, spun around with lightspeed, and hurled the Haki girl with enough force to send English flying across the field. Sunni teleported above him and dropped giant Psycho Spheres, easy for Lord English to Rewind back up, but Sunni dodged them and shot down to impale him in the head with her lightsaber. Anthony used earthbending to lift the entire chunk of field the heroes were on, and Sunni warped away so he could DROP it on Lord English!

Not surprisingly, English blew up through the field and flew above his enemies. He conjured his own chunk of the field and tried to flatten them all, so Wendy and Sunni projected giant shields to block it. "Since WHEN can he EARTHBEND?!" Anthony exclaimed.

"That stone was made of Time Chi!" MaKayla said. "It must be memorybending! He can recreate any attack that he's seen!"

"Well, shoot, he's practically an Avatar!" Melody shouted.

"Damn right, you little bitches! And it ain't gonna stop there!" Lord English made his left fist into Armament Haki and his right fist golden with light. Maddy and Sheila ran to attack again, but English was able to fight them with greater power and knock the girls back. Melody and Wendy healed them, but as Lord English was preparing for a Roar of Time, his body was held in place by Dillon, Lee, and Terry's combined Shadow Possession. Maddy and Sheila punched English upside the head together, then brought their fists down, followed by Nolan York grappling himself over to English for a round of punches.

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