first time-part 1

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*pic is what he's wearing when you see him🥵

You and ruel had been dating for about six months since you met him on tour in London and he asked for your number. You didn't think it'd go that far to you too getting into a relationship but you were so happy the ways things happened and love ruel van dijk very much. Since ruel had been touring loads you didn't see him often and him living in Australia but you always FaceTimed and messaged. It had just become spring holidays and you thought ruel was gonna have come visit but heard nothing about it from him, you didn't wanna ask because you knew how busy he was, touring, writing songs and living the life of a pop star. You still continued to FaceTime all the time and message each other sending cute dog posts, memes and iMessage games.

One night you were ok ft with ruel and were a little quiet you'd be feeling a little sad without him and just weren't feeling great. 'Hey babe what's wrong?'. You didn't realise you were zoning out looking at him sad inside you couldn't be with your lanky man.' Oh it's nothing I just really really miss you ruel' you said with a sad face. Ruel just started laughing and you were confused you were wondering if he didn't really care or miss you either. ' baby open your door'. You stood up in confusion and went to open your bedroom door thinking maybe he sent something over. You open the door and see nothing and look back at your phone ' ruel what are you talking about this isn't funny'. You heard no reply and his camera went off you could only hear audio. ' ruel what is go-'. You were cut off as you jumped 'BABYYYY IM HOMEEE' as you heard that adorable little laugh you missed so much.

He stood towering over you and looked so sexy. 'RUEL OMG' you jumped up and hugged him missing his warm touch. 'I missed you so much ruel'. You pulled away as his curtains touched your forehead. ' I missed you more beautiful'. You were so happy but then you looked at what you were wearing, pyjamas and you looked rough and looked at how good he was looking but his style was amazing really. This chain he always rocked, a green jacket kinda too a black shirt and he just looked so good. ' you could've told me you were coming I would've looked decent for you' you sighed. ' oh shush you look good always' he said as he cheekily grabbed your butt. You laughed and kissed him on the lips. A feeling you hadn't felt for so long. Ruel deepened the kiss as you opened your mouth for his tongue to slide in. You guys had never done anything together apart from kiss but you wanted him. His hands were roaming around your body, from your waist to slowly grabbing your ass as he broke the kiss slowly and said ' baby since when did you get an even bigger ass?' He cheekily said and you laughed back with your lips brushing each other's. You pulled away saying 'come find out' as he roughly kissed you turning into a whole makeout.

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