Chapter 1

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Ascilia just opened her new studio in the capital of Tazeven, Aquenon. She worked hard for it, a privilege not many have. Most of the little house she bought with her well earned coin was for her shop, but she slept and lived on the floor above. She lived like many on the sidelines of a market, a very popular market in fact. Ascilia had so much money she could buy a house on the market which was nearest the Palace of the King of Tazeven! This made her even more nervous than she already was. She did not have the finest silk in the world but she had some pretty common materials: linen, wool, cotton and hemp. She had some of her most beautiful evening gowns and dresses hung up so the people could see her work. She learned as a dressmaker a lot of ways to stitch and cut but eventually developed her own style of making a dress. It was a sunny day outside and quite busy, the eighteen year old was talking to some women, introducing herself. They seemed quite pleased, telling the girl they would come by soon enough. That's what she heard most of the day, she did get some customers. Which was so lovely. Ascilia got their measurements, and started to work on the dresses all night. 

That's how everyday life became for Ascilia in the first few months, with the shop closed on Saturday and Sunday of course, so she herself could go out and explore Aquenon. It was like a dream come true. Living in Aquenon, running her own business, and she even made a friend who loved to work along side her! Her name is Kathryn Tornthon. The two became best friends over the course of just thirty days. It all came down to one busy day that Ascilia's life changed. The prince of Tazeven came to the market and her little shop caught his eye, he had to get one of her dresses made for the queen, his mother. He had never seen anything like it! "Excuse me! Madam," Elye started. His voice quickly got heard by Kathryn, who was near the open window. She looked up from her work and her eyes widened a little bit, "Your highness, what an honour," She started while getting up from her stool, giving the prince a bow. Which caught Ascilia's eyes and copied her actions. "I saw one of your works, i'd like to have one for my mother. I will send her measurements by sunset madam.." Elye was obviously looking for a name, "Ascilia, madam Ascilia your highness." Ascilia filled in for the crown prince, "Madam Ascilia," Elye smiled "interesting name," he mumbled before continuing after a minute of silence, "I shall bring my mothers measurements as i said, myself by sunset. Have a good day ladies," Elye smiled a little bit before continuing his walk.

 Once he was out of earshot both of the girls started squealing like little girls seeing a cute boy for the first time. "The prince asked you to make the queens dress! oh my lord i think i am going to faint," Kathryn giggled, sitting down while eyeing Ascilia. "And then he will fall in love with you and ask you to marry him and you will live happily ever after," Kathryn continued in excitement. "Kathryn hush! That will never happen, i think you are talking nonsense. Even if i loved him, he could never see anything in me. Look at me, i look horrible." Ascilia chuckled, "And after all, i'm a commoner. He could never love me," she said while continuing to work on a dress. "You are still a bellwether* Ascilia, the queen will wear your dress. Remember that." Kathryn said, she had calmed down a little. "I think this already enough for the day," Ascilia replied before closing the big windows. "You are crazy Kathryn," she chuckled, eyeing her best friend. Ascilia trotted over to her table and picked up the freshly finished dress, "What do you think?" She asked. "I think, that thats beautiful as always" Kathryn smiled when she looked at the dress. Kathryn got up, "Lets clean for a bit, get some lunch and continue work?" Kathryn asked. "I'd enjoy that very much," Ascilia smiled, walking over to the brooms

Once the work was done the two girls were headed out, freshened up of course. They headed over to the bakery which was not far from their shop. The girls got their favourite pastries and had some small talk with the bakery owner, exchanging stories what happened. "The prince stopped by? Then you must be in luck madam," the kind man smiled, "I'll see the two of you tomorrow?" he asked to which the two replied with a 'yes, of course' while exiting the bakery, heading back to the shop. 

After lunch, they opened the shop again. The rest of the day was relatively quiet, most likely because it started raining. But by the end of the day it stopped and a certain someone would enter Ascilia's shop.

*Bellwether: eader or indicator of future trends, trendsetter

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