Chapter 7

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In the next months, nothing new happened. Ascilia and Kathryn had enough money to buy that bigger building and expanded their shop. They had so many new customers! People from all over the country came to Madam Ascilia's dress shop to get one of her amazing clothing pieces. It was so much work, that Ascilia and Kathryn needed some one to help them. One of the people in their town volunteered. His name is Louie. He became a good friend of the girls. While he was downstairs taking on new customers, taking their measurements and idea's for the dresses, Ascilia and Kathryn were on the second floor working hard. Sometimes one of the girls came down to help Louie. The building they worked in had large windows, it was very modern. Little wood was to be seen, except for the floor. The building was very brightly decorated to make it appear spacious. On the third floor are the living quarters of Ascilia and Kathryn, it was bigger than Ascilia's old building. They finally had everything sorted out. Yet Ascilia felt that a piece of her was missing. Every day she hoped that prince Elye would come by, but to her disappointment it did not happen. 

Nothing changed in the palace of the royal family either. Elye was forbidden to go to the village to see Ascilia. Not until his father had sorted out what that girl was. She seemed so familiar to him, like she was from and old legen in the books. So every day, leaving Elye to do his duties Philipe was reading through every single book in the palace. Philipe became so obsessed with the girl he had guards check her shop every day to see if anything had changed, besides that Ascilia had matured and the shop was running and well nothing changed. Elye beat himself up, he never should've invited Ascilia to the palace then none of this would have happened.

It was around lunchtime and Kathryn was getting pastries from the bakery, together with some other groceries while Louie and Ascilia were sweeping the shop. Ascilia dusted off her skirt before adjusting the dresses of the mannequins that stood in the window of the shop before she started to clean the glass entrance door. "When do you think Kathryn will be back? I'm very hungry," Ascilia sighed to which Louie only shrugged, "You'll never know it with her, you know that Ascil." He snickered while brushing his hand through his hair. "I know Louie, don't you think it's crazy how everything went? I made that dress for the queen, we got a good amount of money. We moved buildings and met you. It's  like everything is finally good!" Ascilia laughed a little. "I really hope prince Elye will come and visit us soon," She sighed softly after her laughter died. Louie patted her back, "keep on dreaming love, you know that will never happen," he said before continuing to sweep the floor. Louie was right, Ascilia found herself day dreaming once again. And he just told her the harsh truth: Elye most likely forgot about her.

Ascilia's thoughts got interrupted by Kathryn opening the door, she was startled by the sound of the bell ringing softly. "I'm back!" Kathryn sung happily, which made both Ascilia and Louie laugh. The trio finished up cleaning the workspace and then ate their lunch. "I got some beautiful fairy tale pink, i think it will fit you like a glove Ascilia." Kathryn giggled, handing her the roll of fabric. Only for Ascilia to look at Kathryn wide eyed, amazed. She didn't say anything, only embraced her friend in a hug. "Thank you," Ascilia said softly. "Let's get back to work ladies? Or are the two of you stitched together." Louie joked after a little while of silence which made the girls laugh and break apart from the hug. "Let's get back to work, come on." Ascilia laughed, getting back behind the white table by the big window to continue the dress she was working on. Kathryn decided to go down and help Louie with the customers.

"She still thinks he will stop by, doesn't she?" Kathryn asked her friend, Louie only nodded. "She does, but we both know it's been over five months. He won't think of her anymore, don't you think?" Louie answered while he flipped the wooden sign where 'open' was carved on.

After that day strange things started to happen in the shop: flowers appeared randomly, dresses were looking like they were glowing, new rolls of new coloured fabric appearing, and sketches of magical-looking dresses were hung up on the walls. It was the start of something new, but no one really payed attention to it. It helped the business a lot. The trio earned more money, they could afford to get posters made to promote their business. Word spread quickly about Madam Ascilia's dresses. Of course, word was spread all the way to the royal family. Queen Alyna wanted to invite Ascilia and her friends over to  present some sketches, so they could live and work in the palace! It could bring much more life to the palace which had gotten the feeling of being alone is a spacious building. So the queen sent a letter to Madam Ascilia, inviting them in hopes that the three of them would accept her invitation.

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