Chapter 6

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While Ascilia got escorted through the palace she was examining every little detail. While the hallways were made with blue and white materials, it shifted perfectly to gold in various of rooms. "Here is where you need to be, whenever you are ready madam." The maid who was been escorting her smiled. Ascilia nodded, and took a deep breath before knocking on the gaint doors in front of her. she heard the Harold* announce her arrival "Madam Ascilia Ryal," he called out which made the current conversation go quiet, all eyes were on Ascilia. Who bowed out of respect at the four people, "Your highnesses, it's my greatest pleasure to be able to make your acquaintance." She smiled, locking eyes with Elye for a little bit. "My son, you never told me this girl was so breathtakingly beautiful?" the queen, Alyna said, getting up from the comfortable chair she was seated in and walked over to Ascilia with a smile. Ascilia meanwhile felt her heart beating in her own throat.

The lunch the royal family had with Ascilia was not awkward at all, Ascilia told them about her life, where she was raised and why she came all the way to the capital. "I must insist, that if you never opened your shop here madam, that we never would have met." Elye said, smiling. His brother however gave him a subtle kick so he wasn't acting like a puppy, following his owner. "Now, for the real reason Ascilia came here is not to have a lunch. She made something for you, my love." Philipe smiled at Alyna. As on command a mannequin on wheels entered the room with the dress that Ascilia made. It made the queen gasp, "You made this?' She asked the girl. "I did, your grace." Ascilia answered an smiled a bit. "It's beautiful, thank you." Alyna walked over to where Ascilia was seated and embraced the girl in a hug. At first Ascilia was quite shocked but then gently hugged the queen back. Alyna was a very affectionate person, she has always been like that. Even though Philipe tried to change her years back, it never affected her. 

"What a day huh?" Elye asked while the two strotted through the gardens of the palace. "How did I do? I felt like my heart was going to explode," Ascilia chuckled. "Well I am glad it didn't." Elye laughed, "From what I have seen is that you have impressed my family like no other before. So congratulations Ascilia. My mother was totally smitten by you," He continued smiling. "I noticed that," Ascilia laughed quietly, "Thank you for inviting me today Elye, I really needed this. After that robbery, the only thing that I could focus on was that dress for your mother. We worked non stop, had little to eat because we had no money. But now we're sort of rolling again. Earning money from the people, so we can buy more fabric, food and pay the landlord. I am really grateful I met you. So thank you for stopping by and bless the gods." Ascilia said, the smile never leaving her face. "I think it will get even more busy after this Ascilia, knowing full well my mother is going to be honest about who made that dress, even wealthy people will come to you for their gowns." Elye snickered which made Ascilia's eyes widen. "I'll need a bigger studio, i'm already so packed-" Ascilia started to panic. She stopped talking when Elye put his hands on her shoulders, "I did not mean to startle you, Ascilia. Everything will be okay. Believe me," He smiled at her. There was a comfortable silence between the two, until Ascilia spoke up: "I must go back to Kathryn, she needs my help." Ascilia sounded gloomy, she did not want to leave this paradise. Elye just nodded, "Please, let me escort you back." He suggested, Ascilia could not deny of course.

From afar Charyls was watching the couple interact. He had mixed feelings about the girl, but his brother was right: this girl was something else. He sneaked back into the palace via the servants entrance, back to his parents. Charlys wondered why his brother was such a Dulcinea* to this dressmaker.

The ride back to Ascilia's house was quiet, none of them had a subject to talk about. That was until Elye spoke up, "The money for the dress is already in your shop, all has been taken care of," he said. Ascilia could only nod as response, because they just arrived. Ascilia dismounted the white horse and handed the reins over to Elye. "I hope I can see you soon, miss." Elye smiled slightly, gently took her hand and gave it a kiss. "I hope so too, have a good day." She smiled back before entering her house. Elye could only stare at her before galloping back to the palace.

*A Herald: Heralds were originally sent by or to convey messages or —in this sense being the predecessors of modern. They also tend to announce the person who enters the ballroom at a (royal) feast.                                                                                                                                                           *Dulcinea: sweetheart; lovely person; one whom a person loves or cares about

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