Chapter 5

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Ascilia slowly woke up, noticing she wasn't in her shop anymore. She got up immediately, to look at her surroundings but let out a relieved sigh when she noticed she was in her bed chambers. She slowly made her was towards the living quarters to find Elye sitting there. He looked up from the book he was reading, her favourite. "Thank the lord you're awake. How did you sleep?" He asked worried. "The Chaise longue is not as comfortable as my bed, thank you Elye." The girls voice softened, and smiled a bit at her new friend. "You're welcome. You should really open up the shop again Ascilia, everyone is worried about the two of you." Elye sighed.

 "I know I should. I need time, and fabric and a bigger house. Kathryn and i were saving up for a bigger house in which we could both stay, and it has three floors! We were so happy because we were so close to buying it from the landlord but then that thief came and took everything." Ascilia explained, tears appearing in her eyes mid-sentence. 

"If there would be anything that I could do, just let me know okay?" Elye reminded Ascilia, who nodded as an answer. "I'll be coming tomorrow with that dress, so I'll need an escort." She chuckled. "I will send you one of my best guards, I will see you tomorrow." The prince kissed Ascilia's hand and disappeared. Ascilia stood there for a while in silence, but then something popped up in her head. She grabbed a bucket from the kitchen and filled it with the coldest water she could find. Ascilia then made her way towards her room, where Kathryn was fast asleep. Without hesitating Ascilia threw the cold water over Kathryn her face and body. Kathryn let out a quick scream before chasing Ascilia around the house. The couple did so, laughing, but still crying inside.

It was the next day and not only Ascilia was nervous, Kathryn was too. Even though she couldn't get to the castle. Ascilia was brushing through her long dark hair gently and made her way downstairs, which was packed with customers asking about what had happened. Ascilia just waved it off, saying it was nothing while Kathryn and her were taking orders. "Here you go," Ascilia smiled to one of the ladies, giving her a neat brown dress. "Thank you madam, I know I already paid you, but this is for what happened to you and your shop." The lady gave Ascilia the half of what the dress originally costed in coin. "Thank you so much miss, you have no idea how much that means to me." Ascilia smiled, and said her goodbye's to the kind lady. She put the money in the back, in the now empty safe. Well, not so empty anymore. 

A royal guard then entered, making his way through the crowd. "Ascilia Ryal? You're needed at the palace," he said once at the front, where Ascilia stood. "Give me a second sir, to grab my cloak." Ascilia apologised, making her way to the back , put on her coat and grabbed the dress she made with sweat and tears. Kathryn mouthed her a good luck which made Ascilia laugh a little, before exiting the dress shop. A beautiful white mare stood in front of her, "We don't have infinite time, what are you waiting for Madam? Get on the horse." The guard said. Ascilia did as the man said without a doubt. He had stored the dress on the back of his horse. The two started to ride off to the palace. Ascilia was nervous. She never had thought that moving here would come to this, meeting the royal family? No one ever did! She knew it was forbidden for royal family members to strot out in the open so she was wondering why Elye could. It was most likely because his mothers birth date was coming up and she loved the common folk? 

That was the only thing Ascilia could think of. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, but not as beautiful as the one she made for the queen. Ascilia has two strands of her hair tied back with a blue ribbon, some little strand that weren't long enough were just hanging loosely down her face. It brought out her eyes a lot, the colour blue. The ride to the palace was quick, she didn't even realise they were there until the guard announced it. Ascilia got off her horse, and mumbled to herself "May the gods help me," before entering the palace.

Dream Flight: Ascilia's riseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя