Chapter 2

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While the sun was shining through the still dark clouds Elye was on his way to Madam Ascilia's shop. He told his father about it, Philipe was happy his son found his mother a present and would like to meet the girl who designed it when it was done. It was true that the crown prince had exquisite taste, and everyone liked it. "No father I don't need guards with me, i'm only going to the nearest market." He assured his father who sighed, "Alright then, you best be back by midnight son. Be on your way," Philipe smiled at his son, who immediately rode away on his horse towards the village.It was quiet outside, which was good for the prince so he could be there as quick as possible. He was curious about the girl too, who seemed to own it. She seemed different from the commoners, lighter.Elye saw the familiar sign of the dressmakers shop. His horse came to a halt, Elye dismounted and tied his horse to one of the poles and walked towards Ascilia's place, he saw her in the window tidying up her shop. She didn't notice him. Elye took a deep breath, he felt nervous but reassured himself. She's just a girl, why so nervous?  He thought. The prince stood there, battling his own thoughts in the empty marketplace. He finally shrugged it off before knocking three times on the wooden door. 

Meanwhile Ascilia was just lighting some candles after she finished tyding up. It was to be dark soon and she didnt want to have a dark shop. Dresses were spotted all over the place, modelled by wooden female bodies. There were four tables, yet one seemed such a mess but it was actually not. The various of papers stated bills, future investments and some houses even closer to the palace. It was clear Ascilia's fashion was popular so she needed a bigger place. The girl was tired and hungry, she still needed to make dinner, and Kathryn left earlier. Ascilia was humming a tune a bard sung earlier that day. She was interrupted by three knocks. That must be the prince! She thought and started to stress a little, it took her a minute or so to calm down and open the door. Ascilia locked eyes with Elye, who gave her a smile. "Do come in your highness," Ascilia invited Elye in immediately. Who accepted the invitation gladly, "Thank you madam. It is a nice shop you got yourself," he complimented, walking around, looking at the shop. 

his attention got caught by a paper with various of houses. "Thank you, your highness. You have no idea how much that means to me." Ascilia smiled a little, closing the door. "I'll lay down the measurements here." Elye said, putting the fancy paper next to the other ones, to which Ascillia nodded. "And please, call me Elye, madam Ascilia." The prince said. "Then you can call me Ascilia," Ascilia replied almost immediately, she didn't know how to feel about this. A yawn escaped her mouth, which she covered up with her hand. "Sorry, it's been a long day." She apologised. "Don't apologise, I understand. If it suits you, we could go to your living quarters?" Prince Elye asked her. "That would enlighten me very much, Elye." The name sounded unfamiliar rolled from her tongue, but he enjoyed it very much. Ascilia gestured him to follow her. The two went up the stairs to the small apartment which was a small bedroom, living room kitchen and bathing room.

It was a long night, shared of laughter, ale and deep stories about their feelings of todays society. Ascilia and Elye had a lot in common, they found that out. It was almost midnight, luckily Elye saw that. "Is it already that late? I should be on my way by now or else I will be late, I had an amazing time Ascilia. Thank you for making me feel so welcome." Elye said out of surprise as he kissed Ascilia's hand. A blush crept up her cheeks. "Any time Elye, you're always welcome to come here." She replied smiling. Elye insisted that she wouldn't need to show him out. "I totally forgot to mention, father wants to meet you when that dress is finished." Elye called out before rushing down the stairs, he now finally got to take a look at those advertisements. He read through every single one of them. It was clear for him that Ascilia was looking for a bigger place. And with that he rode off to the palace, while Ascilia watched him from her balcony. Oblivious to what the world has in store for her.

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