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I knew and especially everyone who knew me knew that I was not the kind of person to get emotional. In fact all I was about was making other people go bonkers especially if it benefited me and enjoying the fact that my life was way better than everyone else's by trying to constantly rub it in their faces whenever I got something that was brand new that other teens had wanted but couldn't get. The only people who were able to really put up with me were Danielle, Amanda, Abigail and Kristen who I grew up with and were closest to but even then they never had really considered me a friend and I in return only stuck around them because I had no one else I could hang out with plus I was picky about who hung around me. Amanda in particular was always the one who ended up arguing with me the most because I joked on her mostly because she was the quiet one but for other reasons as well that even me myself never really thought about. Today for me had started off like any other normal day; going to school, trying to pay attention but failing miserably at listening to what the teachers were talking about and finally once school was over the same normal routine like always happened.

May 6th, 2010

"Dammit Maddie! I'm not going to let you copy my notes! We've been through this way too many times for you to not get the message by now!" Amanda yelled at me as both she and I made our way outside of the school.

"Ay! It's not my fault that the dubious teachers keep talking for so long that I just can't pay attention. I would ask Danielle or Abigail for help but they're not even in the same class as us Amanda!" I replied back making Amanda roll her eyes.

"Hey it's called focus and don't let anything else distract you. I can't believe you're still too damn lazy to take notes yourself girly!" Amanda said as we headed towards Danielle and Abigail who were already waiting for us, "Junior year in high school and you still haven't changed asshole."

I snorted.

"Look who's talking Ms. 'I'm too good to help my friends out'."

"First off we're NOT friends and second you need to start being responsible for your own work!" Amanda told me getting agitated with me already.

"All I'm asking for is for your notes so that way I know what I'm doing! I always knew you were greedy Amanda otherwise-"

Amanda looked at me already her face red with anger.

"Are you kidding me?! You're the one whose always made me do the work by myself whenever we were paired up on a project! Every single time and not once did you bother to help me so why on earth would I bother to help you now?"

I sighed.

"Oh my god Amanda that was along time ago get over it already."

Amanda gritted her teeth clenching and unclenching her fists.

"Oh boy they're at it again." Abigail said just as Amanda and I made our way towards them, "What's up girls?"

"Take a guess Abby." Amanda replied angrily already knowing that she didn't have to give an explanation as to why she and I were arguing.

Danielle sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Girl just let her copy your notes. It's not like she's asking to copy your actual homework." Danielle told her.

"Danielle how many times have you heard me tell her that she needs to start taking notes of her own?" Amanda asked looking at her.

"Way too many to count girl."

"See? It's not my fault that once again she wasn't paying attention."

"Ay! I would pay attention Amanda if it was something interesting not just boring shit that puts me to sleep every time I come to class!" I replied completely annoyed.

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