The Accident

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Instead of waiting for Abigail to come back I immediately got up and followed right behind her. By the time I had caught up with her Abigail was already at the front door of Danielle's house ringing the doorbell. It didn't take long for Danielle's mom to answer the door.

"Mrs. Higgins is Danielle home?" Abigail asked.

I saw the look on Jackie's face making me turn completely white as it was clearly obvious that she was worried about something.

"Oh hey there Abby, Maddie. No I'm afraid Danielle's not home right now." Jackie told us.

"When was the last time you spoke with either Mr. Sellers or Danielle?" Abigail asked hoping that she at least spoke to them recently.

"Last I spoke with James was about an hour ago when he told me that there was just so much traffic that they couldn't even make it to Danielle's doctors appointment so instead James said that he was going to have dinner with Danielle and then come home." Jackie replied looking rather anxious.

"Have you tried calling them since?" Abigail asked.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Amanda running towards us from her house. Jackie just nodded trying not to worry too much.

"A few times already. It's not like James or Danielle to just not pick up their cell phones. They always call to let me know where they're at." Jackie replied starting to wonder if maybe she should go out and look for them.

"Did Mr. Sellers say where he was taking Danielle?" I asked.

"No. I'm guessing he took Danielle to wherever she wanted to eat." Jackie told me, "Listen girls if you're worried about Danielle I'm sure everything is fine. You know how long it can take being stuck in traffic and then to go have dinner as well yeah they'll be back any minute now I'm sure of it." Jackie said trying to convince us but mostly herself that she had nothing to worry about.

Once Jackie closed the door all three of us exchanged worried glances.

"I don't know about you guys but something is seriously wrong here. I know Danielle far too well to know when something is wrong." Amanda said looking at us wondering what we should do.

"Even if they were having dinner right now wouldn't Danielle at the very least answer either yours or Maddie's calls or even sending a text?" Abigail asked as she started to get a bad feeling.

I clenched my fists tightly before running back home making Amanda and Abigail follow after me.

"Where are you going?!" Amanda yelled out.

I yanked the door open and rushed inside.

"MOM I NEED YOU TO TAKE US SOMEWHERE!" I yelled out as I ran into the kitchen already knowing where I was going to find her.

My mom was currently on the phone most likely talking to her husband. She held the phone away from her when she heard me yell for her.

"What is it hun?" She asked as soon as I came into view.

"I need you to take us somewhere it's an emergency!" I told her with a very frightened look on my face.

I was completely drenched having been outside long enough while it was still raining.

"Can it wait a few minutes? Mommy's still on the phone talking to an old friend of hers." She replied obviously not believing what I told her.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her trying so hard to not sound as though I was desperate.

"I'm being serious here mom! It's about my friend Danielle! She hasn't come home yet! She had a doctors appointment a couple of hours ago and she never came home! She isn't even picking up her cell when I try to call her so please tell whoever you're on the phone with that you'll call them back later so we can go!" I said with pleading eyes.

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