Something's wrong

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During the whole walk home I kept wondering why all of a sudden I was feeling like something bad was going to happen to Danielle. I was aware that it was slightly starting to pour as I looked at the sky which was covered in dark clouds completely hiding any sign of the sun.

'What the heck is wrong with me? I'm not supposed to care about ANY of those assholes so why do I feel this way all of a sudden?' I thought to myself as all I kept feeling was anxiousness, 'This weather sure as hell isn't helping me feel any better either. Maybe playing some video games will take my mind off this feeling I'm having."

I was too preoccupied thinking that I hadn't realized that I had already made it to my house. Not surprisingly my mom wasn't home so until she got back I had the house to myself. The first thing I did as soon I he got inside was get a drink from inside the refrigerator and head upstairs to my bedroom. I put my drink down on the table next to my bed and then I set my backpack next to my bed. I took off my jacket and put it down on top of my bed before going over to start up my Nintendo Wii and then taking a seat on my bed. For awhile playing Mario Kart Wii kept my mind from wandering back to Danielle as I was too busy racing against other characters. After having played for about an hour or so I heard a knock coming from downstairs. I frowned when I heard my mom call up to me, having not known that she had shown up already, as I left the match so I could see what my mom wanted. I made my way downstairs and was slightly surprised to find Amanda and Abigail standing there in front of the door.

"Oh hey Amanda, Abby. What's up?" I asked frowning slightly.

Amanda rolled her eyes as she looked at me.

"We came to hang out what does it look like?" Amanda replied.

"Without Danielle?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Danielle said she'll come by when she's done. So until then let's go play some games!" Abigail replied as she made her way towards my room.

I sighed shaking my head before following after Abigail.


I stopped, frowning slightly before turning to face Amanda who had a serious look on her face but for once there was no anger mixed in her expression. Instead it looked like Amanda was concerned about something.

"What is it?" I asked.

Amanda was looking at me trying to see if I was still worried like I was earlier.

"Are you ok?" Amanda asked which caught me totally by surprise.

"...Yeah of course I'm ok why wouldn't I be?" I replied wondering why Amanda was even asking in the first place.

"You didn't look ok earlier. In fact it looked like you were worried about something. Is something going on that I don't know about Maddie?" Amanda asked.

I winced as the feeling of worry came over me again.

"Nothings going on Amanda and if something was you should just stay out of it because it's none of your business!" I told her watching as Amanda started to get annoyed.

"There's no use in lying Maddie. It's clearly written all over your face that your worried maybe even scared about something and you're just too stubborn to come out and say it!" Amanda sighed, "Does this have anything to do with Danielle?"

"W-Why would you think that it would be about Danielle?" I asked my stomach feeling like it was doing summersaults.

"Because of the way you reacted when James came and picked her up!" Amanda replied, "I was there remember? I saw how you looked when they left!"

I Shall BelieveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora