The Hospital

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Abigail was the first one to react as soon as Danielle had been put inside the ambulance and quickly put her hand on Amanda's shoulder and shook her slightly.

"H-Hey Amanda we should get going to the hospital. Somehow I doubt that they'd let us ride with her because we're not family." Abigail said her voice clearly shaking as she watched the police officers and the paramedics now get Danielle's dad out of the car.

Amanda slowly nodded and like me, she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from her best friend who clearly wasn't conscious at the moment. She found herself unable to reply as Abigail started helping her to her feet. Abigail then went towards me to help me to my feet as well.

"Come on Maddie lets go and for once don't go saying stuff like Danielle got what she deserved because he's a blond or something because guess what this is serious!" Abigail said as she started pulling on my arm.

I didn't reply. I didn't even flinch when Abby assumed that I was going to say something like that about one of my friends. Abby frowned slightly as she looked at me completely surprised that I hasn't started laughing and saying something about her dad getting so damn drunk that he drove right into Danielle and her dad yet. I just sat there staring at Danielle with what Abby was surprised to find a clearly hurt look on my face. Abby hadn't expected this coming from me. She expected me to just outright being all happy or at the very least not even remotely close to even caring at all to what happened to Danielle that Abby was wondering if something was wrong with me.

"Maddie get up what is wrong with you?" Abby asked as she pulled harder on my arm to get me to stand up.

Truthfully I had no idea why I was acting the way I was acting. Normally I would have made fun of this whole situation saying something along the lines of that Abby's dad being who he was, was obviously going to cause an accident sooner or later since he's always been a fucking ass drunk so it didn't come as a surprise that this happened especially to someone like Danielle who has always been a total blond and James who was always been a total retard. Instead I found myself unable to say anything as I felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt wash over me as I shut my eyes tightly from the pain.

"...Hey I need help getting her up." Abby suddenly said making me realize that Abby had been talking but I hadn't been listening.

Amanda sighed as she went over to grab my other arm.

"Hurry up we have to get to the hospital." Amanda told me her voice indicating that she was on the verge of breaking down into tears.

The moment they got me up and let go of me I fell back down to the ground.

"Maddie!" Amanda yelled out trying to sound annoyed but she was too hurt to make it seem like she was getting annoyed with me.

I didn't make a move to get up again as I felt like I couldn't feel my legs for some reason. I started muttering something under my breath forcing Abby and Amanda to get closer to me to hear what I was saying.

"This is my fault. I knew I should have told her not to go with her dad but now it's..." I cut myself off as I clenched my hands into fists as I looked down at the ground refusing to continue looking at the accident in front of me.

This surprised both Amanda and Abby as they looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. Luckily a couple of police officers went over to us and asked us what we were doing there. Amanda immediately replied saying that we knew the people who had been hit by Abby's dad and was wondering if we could get a ride to the hospital. The police officers said ok and one of them started helping me to my feet. I didn't say anything as I was being led to one of the police cars and got inside sitting right next to Abby who was in the middle between me and Amanda.

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