The Dark Shadow

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The door knob turned left. While I still lay in the doorway with my eyes fixed to the door.


It opened easily own its own than from pressure of my hands.

"Aaahhh... Yes"exclaimed a booming voice. Now that voice was filled in happiness of a success.

The door slightly inched away from the doorframe. I started screaming my heads off when I saw a brown country shoe peeping out of the sealing edge of the door.

A hand grabbed mine from behind and another pasted a blow on my back to make me stand up.

"Why are you so loud? Stop it already." Mom winced and placed a palm over her ear reacting to my scream.

My scream died off when I saw a man come out in his orange boiler suit from now fully open door. He was that owner of those brown country shoes.

He had one screw driver clutched between his teeth while most of the other tools stuck out from his pocket.
Now I know why the sounds were muffled initially.

He stepped out and closed the door behind him.
He came forward and shook hands with Mom. While I followed his every move with wide eyes and opened mouth.

"Welcome to your new home Mrs. Bassett." the man said while his mouth curls into a smile revealing a row of his white teeth.

"Thank you Mr. Warner." said my Mom while happily shaking his hand.

" I was fixing the door knob. It was loose a bit." Mr. Warner said to me pointing at the door making me close my still open mouth.

I managed to gain some words and blurted out what held in my throat.
" I thought it was ghost or something when the knob started dancing its own. I didn't expect you to come from inside since you were not seen when we came here. I get scared easily you kno...."


"Millie is very talkative, as you can see it yourself." Mom spoke through clenched teeth with her eyes shooting death stares on me.

"Mom that hurts"I whined rubbing on the spot of my Mom's perfect slap.

Mr. Warner started laughing.
" Madam is funny."

We both turned to see Mr. Warner enjoying the scene of a mother and daughter drama.

We didn't mind the laughter and joined in to break the awkwardness.

Mr. Warner handed over the keys to Mom and walked away to his car in driveway. I saw him drove off the street.

" I was an idiot for not noticing his car parked in front." I sighed under my breath while entering through the door.

" You should have noticed, to cut some slack on the embarrassments you give me." Mom complained following me into the main room.

"Momm.. It was not embrasssin... Wow"
I stopped my whining while my eyes widened seeing the place.

It was splendid.

The room was so spacious it would fit two new sets of sofa even can hold extra sets of bean bags. This was too much for us but I loved it anyway.

I took the bedroom in left while Mom took the one in right. My room was large with a cozy bed and table at a corner perched with a lamp. The cupboards were neat and freshly dusted. Mr. Warner has done a good job.

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