
36 5 4

I stared at the door of room number 13.

I was awestruck by the fact that I stayed the whole time with the girl under whose door I was fishing for my lucky charm since the evening.

If only I had asked her room number as soon as she entered, I could have searched for it myself with her permission.

I was pissed with my slow witted mind. I was about to curse more on my slow working brain when Aubrey's voice snapped me out of it.

"Millie... Millie..." Aubrey jumped up and down inside the room.

I should be the one jumping around since I found the owner of the next room. Now I felt a tiny ray of chance to get back my lucky charm.

" What are you so excited about?" I sighed at her closing the door behind. I was in no mood to join in as I lost one precious chance to get my lucky charm back.

" See these.. See these..." She pointed out at various spots on the dusty floor.

I looked at them but got to see nothing in my poor eyes. I gave Aubrey a puzzled look since I found the floor the same as before.

" They are gone." Aubrey exclamed raising her hands above her widening all her ten slender fingers and left her mouth half open. Her eyes widened with her hands. She was clearly amazed of which I had no clue about.

" What are gone?" I gave her a blank look. No amusement went into my head.

" Millie, the footprints. The footprints disappeared once she left this room." Aubrey half shouted in her excitement.

" Really?? How can that happen?" I now get her amusement. I wondered at the mysterious disappearance of the wet prints.

" I don't know. Does she do magic?" Aubrey flicked an invisible wand in air.

I burst into laughter. How was it even possible? Did she think this school was Hogwarts to learn magic in secrecy?

" The floor is hot enough to burn a light toast in this summer." I suggested when my bouts of laughter died down.

" Is that so?" Aubrey took off the sock from her left foot balancing herself on her right and touched down the foot to check the temperature.

" Bare foot says its warm." Aubrey stated in her scientist like tone and hopped for a while in her right while pulling up the sock after the temperature check.

" I told you." I flopped on my bed. I was tired. It was a long day with all the search of my precious charm and the sudden visits. I needed a good night sleep tonight.

Ding. Dong. Ding. Ding Dong.

" Dinner!!" Aubrey and I exclaimed in unsion filled with our laughs in the end. We found the dinner alarm very funny since our first day in hostel. Why it sounds like a kindergarten rhyme? Who replaced the usual alarm with old fashioned tring tring bell?

We climbed down the stairs to the ground floor. The Hostel mess hall was near the warden room.
Mrs. Susan was pacing up and down the hall. She had already started her patrol for the night from the dining hall.

We collected our dinner and made our way to hunt down a seat, amongst the rush of girls. It was filling fast like a bee hive. It was difficult to find a good seat at dinner time. At last we found one.

" Let's sit there." I pointed at the seat in the center. Though it was in the center it was below the creaking ceiling fan. We were pleased to cool down a bit amidst the humidity of summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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