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*knock knock*

We didn't dare to move from our places.

The knocking grew louder as seconds went by.

" Who will that be?" I stuttered out of terror.

" I don't know either." Aubrey was as puzzled as me about who it might be. We both weren't expecting anyone to come around.

To the fact we didn't know anyone else in this building to come knocking at our door. Then who could it be?

It stopped.

The knocks went out. They was no sound of it any more.

But the person on the other side had other plans..

The doorknob was the next to be attacked. It turned in slowly.

Thank god! We managed to lock it before we started fishing for the charm. We still waited not responding to the knocks. We stood at our places without opening the door. We were too scared to let anybody in at that moment.

We felt secured in our locked room. I didn't want whoever that was behind the door to see us with a wire loop in hand. We didn't budge our eyes fixed to the door.

But we were wrong. We heard some keys jingle at the door.

Damn. They even had the keys? How can somebody else have the key to our room?

I hid the wire behind my back. I stood next to Aubrey controlling the tremors starting in my legs. But still, I was afraid to see anyone who was about to barge in right now.

The door clicked open.

Mrs. Susan was standing with a key a in her hand. Oh, so this was not a breaking in. It was something official.

Regret washed our us at the sight of our warden. We realised we were in trouble again.

" You both were inside?" Mrs. Susan gasped in shock.

I straighten up hearing her voice.

" Yessss maaddaaamm" Aubrey stammered. She was also taken aback by the shock.

" What were you doing instead of opening the damn door?" She shrieked at us.

We were done for. We weren't new to getting a warning note. But it wassl gonna to be the second time, that too within first week at school. We had successfully managed to irritate two staffs. An achievement.

" We were asleep mam." I blurted out. I didn't know from where I got that stupid reason from. I was bound to make a step since the pale face of Aubrey was too stunned to reply.

I think it was one of my rare days to be brave. But will she buy this silly reason?

" Do you both have heavy heads even to mask my knocks?" she stood at the door folding her hands demanding an explanation. How do I even explain we were rolling in the dusty floor searching for a small ball which went under the intersecting door?

I bet she will freak out and kick us out even when she hears the about the intersection door. She clearly said not pry into others privacy in the morning.

I glanced at Aubrey from the corner of  my eye  and gestured her to nod. We nodded our heads in agreement to Mrs. Susan.

" Then do I need to break in everytime for inspection with the master key. Is that you are planning for?" Mrs. Susan roared. Why did she even get angry for a silly thing? Couldn't she let us alone after buying our silly reasons? Does she have to roar at us like this? We did not deserve these shouts. My crazy mind went on rambling inside.

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