Red Lockers

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A hand covered my open mouth muffling my screams. My eyes were still fixed on the pavement viewing the dark hand overriding my shadow. I saw the dark figure merge with mine.

Idiot, I thought to myself and cut off my loud noise.

" Am I looking like a monster in that shadow?" An unknown sweet voice said in my ear. Releasing the hand covering my mouth, I turned around to see the person standing beside me.

She was blond. Very fair skinned . Wow, she had a clean face! She looked great in her black tee and high waisted dark blue jean. She had very long her. It was held in a tight bun on the top of her head. Her curls might end up to her hip when undone.

I stood there looking at her for a moment before she snapped me out of it.

" Hasn't your shock worn off yet?" she said cluelessly from what I was thinking.

" Hmm.. Yeaa.. Yeaahhh... I get shocked easily." I blurted out cutting off my bizarre thoughts at it roots before they poured out again.

"I saw the number 12 on your suitcase. I guessed you did the same trick as mine." she shook her suitcase in her hands showing off a piece of plastered paper with number 12 on it.

I remembered my Mom pasting one on mine too. I thought it was an idea of her to make me treat like a middle schooler going for a trip. I didn't know it would come handy in this way to meet my own roommate.

" I even had to fight my Mom to get that thing ripped away from my case. But it ended up staying neatly plastered on it." I smiled while stroking the curved margins of the paper.

" She still treats me like a middle schooler" she commented on her Mom, rolling her eyes and dropped her suitcase beside her.

" Exactly!" I agreed walking along with her, rolling my suitcase on the pavement.

"By the way, I am Arabella Corey. Call me Aubrey" she turned in a hand to shake.

"I am Millana Bassett. Millie." I gave in a warm introductory handshake.

We walked towards the office. We both got our individual timetables from there. A guide map of the school was plastered on the back.

Senior high schooling starts officially.

We had most of the classes together except for the language classes. She chose Latin while I chose Spanish.

We both were excited to see around the school. Luckily we had almost an hour in hand to start the tour.

" We are early!" Aubrey quoted looking around the empty corridors outside the office room.

" Who comes early to school anyway?" I giggled when I recalled myself running into the class five minutes after the bell. I was never good at time management. I miss my old school already.

" You are early today." Aubrey pointed out the flaw.

" Yup. Mom had to go to work after dropping me off. Its first day for us both." I gave in the details. I felt it was better to share with her. She made the conversation comfortable too. I wondered whether we would end up being friends...or not. I hoped we could.

" So you live here?" Aubrey questioned. She might be wondering why I enrolled the boarding then.

" Yes. We rented a house down south from here." I wanted her to add up questions before I blurted out.

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