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-In the throne room of the gods-

The skies were dark with clouds and audible claps of thunder were instilling fear on all who could hear it, Zeus, the lord of the skies was no doubt angry.

"Poseidon, do you even have the slightest idea of the repercussion of their actions?" Thundered Zeus.

"Brother, we have been dealing with such things for millennia, I do not see the difference between today and a hundred years ago."

"Well I wouldn't say that there is no difference-" Replied a dark voice that came from one of the hundreds of meters tall thrones sitting in the middle of a large room with marble decorations.

"-In my opinion we should go with what Zeus says and have them go back to Earth again, certainly mother Gaia would welcome them with open arms."

"It, of course, would not hurt to have them act like adults and not as children that can fly, All in favor?" Asked the head figure named Zeus sitting in his Marble throne covered in gold and white.

Twelve hands went up signaling that the whole council has agreed in sending the signs back to Earth. 

"It is decided then. Meeting Adjourned."

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