{CH1: Unexpected Disaster}

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Four figures stood on a large sandy area separated by a pale white line in the middle, on the left side, you can see a man holding a whip with a small blade attached to the handle next to a woman holding two shields both edged with very sharp blades and designs only comparable to that of greek warriors, their names, Cancer, and Scorpio.

On the opposite side stood a woman, with fiery red eyes glowing with excitement, you can see her waving her greatsword, her name is known only as Leo. Accompanying her is Aries, the brave warrior carrying his sword, he was one of the best.

As the crack of a whip sounded, you can hear a whistle signaling the start of the duel. As the sound faded, Aries quickly leaped forward and rolled against the floor as his sword clashed with the steel of Cancer's shield. Surprised by the sudden attack, Cancer staggered backward only to be replaced by Scorpio as he did a twirl and tried to hit Aries with the bladed rope of his whip. Aries being fast enough to parry the attack, pushed forward and tried to hit Scorpio in the face. Only to be tripped by his lightning-quick reactions as he stuck a foot out and threw his bladed rope towards Leo with the grace like that of a ballet dancer. Leo, of course, not wanting to lose, decided to meet the attack head-on and counter it with her greatsword trying to slice Scorpio in half. Scorpio, wide-eyed with surprise was caught off guard and if not for Cancer kicking Aries in the face while he was down, saved him by throwing one of her shields towards Leo which took the brunt of the force of her attack

"PAY ATTENTION SCORPIO!" She shouted as Scorpio took the opportunity to get up close to Leo and punch her in the nose making her fall down.

Aries, still on the ground and seeing how Leo was punched to the ground, had gotten up and tried for a dropkick against a Scorpio that had his back towards him. Scorpio, turning at the last second, dodged the attack. Aries was unsuccessful and had his side bruised badly. Now on the ground, Aries tried for a quick stab towards his head only to have Scorpio move at the precise moment and kick him off sending him flying towards outside of the play area.

"Shit," Leo said as she tried for a side jab towards Cancer but she just deflected it with her remaining shield, but the moment that both of their weapons were both inaccessible to attack with, Leo sent a punch towards Cancer's stomach as she fell to her knees with Leo holding her greatsword's blade on her neck.

Scorpio seeing how Cancer was vulnerable took the opportunity to send a strong attack towards Leo, successfully hitting her face and cutting a deep one on her cheek just as Aries got back into the fight picking up Cancer's thrown shield and his discarded sword. He started to circle Scorpio as he slowly backed away as he noticed Cancer getting ready to rush behind Aries.

With a nod, Cancer and Scorpio both ran at the same time, Aries seeing both the attacks turned around and slashed at Cancer with her blocking the attack but stopping her dead in her tracks. With Scorpio coming closer, Aries decided to sweep Cancer off of her feet with a quick flick of his feet and jabbed at Scorpio from a lower angle than he had expected.

Scorpio wielding his whip as if it were a knife tried to block Aries jab only to have him be disarmed because of a cut on his hand, deciding to do what he does best, he does a flip and lands behind Aries. With Leo coming closer to the three of them, he wrapped his arm around Aries and choke slamming him onto the ground while quickly grabbing his whip and holding the blade above Aries' throat slowly pressing it harder and harder until Aries tapped out and "died."

Now only up to Leo to win the match, she must find a way to defeat both Cancer and Scorpio with only her greatsword.

Leo quickly tried to do a downwards slice above Cancer, but she dodged out of the way only to be met with Leo's leg propped up behind her making her trip as she did a sidewards slash towards Scorpio. Him, not armed with anything, but his whip, decided to lean backward in a limbo manner, which earned him many claps from the other zodiacs.

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