{CH3: New Home}

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"Hey,-" A voice called ''Aren't you those guys that saved me?" The figure continued as it emerged from the entrance of the alley holding a small bag that the Zodiacs did not make out.

All heads turned to face the guy when Virgo asked: "What are you doing here?"

Libra tilted her head to the side questioningly, "How do you know this person?" she asked Virgo.

"He's the guy that we saved from being tortured or something, now, what are you doing here?" Leo answered and she followed up her answer with a question.

"My name is Rob and I wasn't able to thank you guys and seeing as you're sleeping on the streets, I come with an offer, an apartment, I think I can accommodate you all,-" he said as he counted 13 in total.

"I'll help you guys get money and all and you don't have to pa-"

"Nonsense, here," Taurus said as he gave the guy a small gold bar, Taurus didn't know what gold was worth there but from the sparkle in Rob's eyes, he knew it was enough.

"O-okay, let's go I guess?" Rob said as he slowly took the gold bar from Taurus. Where Taurus got it, he didn't know but he just rolled with it. He wasn't expecting it but he didn't mind getting something in return.

"Let's go! It's getting a bit chilly, thanks again, Rob, was it?" Cancer said as Rob just smiled and nodded.

They all stood up and Rob led the way. They saw people cleaning up the decorations from the event earlier. Some were sweeping, others were in ladders removing the banners and the stalls were closing.

They were close behind Rob who was quickly walking, "Hey so how do you know about the gangs?" Capricorn asked while eyeing Aries.

"Well, when I lost you guys when you were chasing me. I stopped by and saw Rob getting beaten up," Aries said.

"That still didn't answer my question," Capricorn interjected. The others looked at him with curiosity in their eyes.

"Fine, I managed to hear from the other humans. They were talking about some popular gang and no one would mess with them. I saw Rob just get beaten and taken away, and no one would even stop them," Aries replied.

"Why did you run away?" Leo asked while checking the stars. It was night and they were as clear as ever.

"Well, I went after them to save Rob but when I saw you guys chasing after me," Aries answered.

"It's believable enough," Virgo muttered.

"It looks so empty," Cancer said while looking up.

"What does?" Pisces replied while looking up also.

"The sky."


It was already dark when the Zodiacs along with Rob arrived at the apartment, they didn't know what they expected but they definitely didn't expect what seemed to be a three-story building with beige exterior walls and a white and green interior. It looked old and worn down, but still livable. They don't know if there were other people inside but the rusted door and creaky floorboards showed that it probably didn't.

When they entered, Rob showed them to their room. Maroon walls filled the interior were picture frames hung and had been gathering dust. On the right, there were two beds separated by a small wooden cabinet in the middle where a telephone laid on top. There was a small cramped kitchen at the edge of the room and beside it was a door that led to the bathroom.

"I'll leave you guys here, thanks for helping me out earlier," Rob thanked them and left.

"So there are only two beds, we gotta share them while some of us will sleep on the floor," Leo said while checking out the room.

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