{CH4: The Hiking Trio}

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We are sorry for not updating in months, we will now keep updating again ❤️


"Morning guys," Aquarius said as he got up from his spot and clapped out loud to wake them up. Most of them groaned at being woken up except Cancer and Pisces who probably didn't even hear him call out. The male Gemini woke up on the floor while his sister took up his part of the bed. Leo woke up and her messy hair gave her an image of a lion.

"We should go and start finding plans, the Geminis will be with me," Capricorn said, getting ready.

"Before that, I should return these first I guess," Aquarius started picking up the messed up pillows and blankets on the floor from yesterday. He put everything under one arm and used the other to open the door. He felt something pressing on the other side and opened it slowly. He looked down and saw an Aries sleeping on the floor.

"What the hell? Guys, look it's Aries," Aquarius pointed at a sleeping Aries.

"What's he wearing? He looks stupid," Leo's head poked out the door to take a good look. She noticed he was wearing something different than the last time she saw him.

"So, what do we do with him?" Aquarius asked while pushing Aries a bit.

"Leave him there, also Aquarius, don't be a rude bastard. Stop kicking him," Virgo replied.

"Why not? It's fun," Aquarius continued to prod Aries. "Wanna try?"

"No thanks," Virgo answered as he jumped over him. Aquarius followed him down to the lobby to return the pillows and blankets they borrowed to Rob.

"We should go now," Capricorn signaled the two Geminis and leaped over the sleeping figure.

"What about those two?" Libra pointed to Pisces and Cancer.

"They'll wake up soon, come on let's go," Scorpio announced and the others followed him.


"Hey everyone-" Cancer said but to no avail only a sleeping Pisces is in the room.

"Oh, they left us, dude," Cancer said while patting Pisces.

"Ten more hours," she said in her sleep. Cancer pushed her off the bed so that she would finally wake up. She thought it worked until she heard snoring from the floor, it seems she went back to sleep. Cancer decided to go check on the others and walked to the door to go outside. She felt something behind it as she pushed so she opened it slowly. She saw Aries sleeping on the ground.

"What the hell happened to you?" Cancer asked while poking his face. She grabbed him by the hand, trying to pull him inside. She only managed to pull him halfway through the room before giving up.

"Why are you so heavy? Since you're heavy you're staying here," She then headed out. Halfway through the hall, she met Rob.

"Cancer, right? have you seen Aries?" It was Rob and he was holding a book.

"Yes I am Cancer, and Aries is inside the room. What's the matter? Did he do something reckless again?"

"No, it's just he borrowed some clothes from me," Rob looked inside and saw him sleeping. "Anyways thanks-"

"What's that?" Cancer asked while pointing at Rob's book.

"Oh, this? I just finished reading it," Rob responded.

"No, I meant what's that?" She asked again confused.

Rob looked at her confused state, "It's a book named 7 deadly sins, it's a fantasy book though. They're humans in it and have powers," Rob explained and lent it to her.

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