{CH2: Where Are We?}

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The Zodiacs woke up in a lush forest with thick vegetation, they all wondered where they were but a confused Aquarius was the first one to voice out his thoughts

"Fuck guys, where the hell are we?" He announced loudly, grabbing the attention of the others

"Well, that depends, which planet? Which universe?" Taurus sassed at Aquarius which in turn led him to be hit over the head by Leo.

"You big doofus, we're being serious here. Enough jokes, Taurus."

"What the hell did that scroll even contain!" shouted an exasperated Scorpio.

"Maybe we should get up-" Libra said slowly pushing the collapsed figure above her which turned out to be Capricorn who cut her off with a loud groan.

"Look, guys, come on get up." Taurus told everyone while holding out an arm for Libra who gladly took it.

"Hey, dumbass, watch where you're going!" called out an infuriated Virgo as Aquarius accidentally stepped on him

"Thanks for the compliment, Virgo," He sarcastically said as Virgo playfully tried to trip him.

"Stop it, moron," they both said at the same time.

The female Gemini gave them a weird look before following her brother.

"Hey, how did Capricorn get to keep her original form?" The male Gemini asked as he pointed towards a goat in the distance.

"I'm over here, you idiot," Capricorn said as she got up and patted herself down.

Sagittarius was next to a knocked out Cancer, "Where the hell is my bow!"

Sagittarius stood up and saw his bow next to a tree. And hurriedly climbed it to get his beloved bow back.

A few moments later Cancer woke up, "Where are we? Also, where's Pisces?"

"I'll fly and find her," Aquarius tried gathering up some air to fly, but only managed to summon a light breeze.

"Wait, why isn't this working," He focused and yet again failed.

"What's wrong, can't fly?" Virgo teased but in a few seconds, he saw Aquarius having trouble.

"I-I can't fly guys," Aquarius worried.

"Hey, I was joking," Virgo muttered and went next to a troubled Aquarius.

"Wait, Aquarius can't fly?" Taurus wondered if he was pretending, the other zodiacs who saw Aquarius' failed flight started worrying as well.

"Hey guys, I think I found her," Capricorn said as she pointed towards a lake nearby. There was someone passed out floating in the water.

"I'll get her." Cancer leaped into the lake and swam towards the body. When they were on shore, Pisces suddenly threw up water and started coughing.

"Finally, I found all of you," she said while trying her best to stop coughing.

"What were you even doing in there?" Scorpio asked her.

"I was going to ask the fish if they have seen all of you but suddenly, I found out I couldn't breathe underwater like usual. After that, I think I blacked out," she told them.

"We - lost our powers?" Libra blurted out, before trying to gather some wind just like Aquarius. And had the same results, a simple breeze was summoned.

"Our powers, they aren't gone, they're weakened," Leo corrected.

"Gather around, and grab your weapons. Our powers might be weakened but at least our weapons are here," Leo added as she picked up her greatsword.

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