{CH5: Fly High}

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A/N: Hello guys and thank you for 400 reads! So as of now we have online classes so updates may take 10-20 days. Thanks for reading and enjoy!


"Rob here are the pillows and blankets we borrowed last night," Aquarius said. He was holding the pillows while Virgo was holding on to the blankets.

"Why thank you-"

"I'm Aquarius and this is Virgo," Aquarius broke in. Rob not questioning their weird names by now took the blankets and pillows. He put them in the cabinet beneath the counter and sat down on a chair.

"Hey Rob, I got a question. What are those flying things in the sky? When we first got here I saw those and was amazed at how far humans have gone," Aquarius said and then he leaned on the wall. Virgo stood by listening to their conversations.

"Oh, you might've seen an airplane there's a near airport here just a couple of hours away with a car," He replied.

"I understood nothing! But how can you got to an erport to ride an erplayn?" He waved his hands trying to understand.

"Well, I did say there's a nearby airport. Just go there and you can ride an airplane, but you'd need a car," He replied.

"That's great! Virgo let's go to the airport!" Aquarius announced ready to go.

"Wait, are you guys really going to leave?" Rob stood up.

"I don't know, we're just going to check the airport thingy."

"Well, good luck with your trip, and since I owe you guys a lot." Rob opened the counter and took out 30€, "This is a lot of money to get to the airport, but that gold bar really gave me a lot of money."

Virgo, not understanding a thing, took the money and bowed, "Thanks Rob, whatever er- this is." He then saw Aquarius already running outside leaving him behind with Rob. He also saw the other zodiacs going out.

"So first, we have to find those cool flying things the humans made, go to the airport, and ride an airplane!" Aquarius shouted while running in place, excited. He saw Capricorn and the Geminis dash off in another direction. They mentioned something about climbing mountains.

"Wait up Aquarius, you run too fast-" Virgo said panting like crazy. Unlike his friend who was used to being quick on his feet, Virgo never had a reason to run like crazy until now.

"We only ran out of the apartment and you're already tired? Come on Virgo, you're better than that," Aquarius slapped him on the back.

"Damn you, Aqua," Virgo finally regained his breath.

"Aqua? Pretty nice name!" Aqua acknowledged the little nickname. "Well? Let's go! We don't have enough time. Let's be the first to get back to the sky!" Aqua ran off, way faster than before.

"I should've picked a better partner," Virgo muttered chasing after a hyper Aqua. They ran past the apartment to the city they all got lost in a few days back.

"Oh come on, if you're going to look like you haven't run in a few hundred years, I'd stop running," Aqua mocked.

"That's because I haven't run in a few hundred years!" Virgo answered. "Look, we have an entire day and many other days ahead of us. Think for a bit and relax, I don't even think we have a proper plan; we don't know what or where an airplane or airport is."

"Well, we do have a plan-well, I have a plan actually. Like back then, let's ask the humans where we could find them!" Aqua beamed with confidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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