Chapter I: The Start

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   As I walked home from school, the air felt felt stale. I felt like I was in for a surprise.

  I got home, to see my beloved sister Maggie cooking.

   "Hey Beth!'" She said as she took out her fresh baked cookies from the oven.

   '"Hi!"I replied as a pulled one off the pan. "Hot!Hot!" I yelled as she laughed. I did too.

   "Daddy'll be home any second. He called me and told me that he and Otis saw some demon possessed guys bitting and eating some old guy that was screaming his head off..." She paused as I watched her intensely, and my mouth grew dry. "But they're both gettin old, you know, they're just seein things..or maybe there was just kids fool in around." She said giving me a reassuring look, and handing me plates to set the table.

     My dad and his friend Otis pulled up and I opened the door.

    They rushed in and locked the door.

"Please, girls go lock every door! There's somethin goin on, and it's not safe! Magret, honey please turn on the news, we gotta find out! Now!" My daddy yelled.

  I locked all the door, and ran into the living room with Maggie, Daddy, and Otis.

  Otis is a family friend of ours. His wife and my mom died in a car accident four years ago. Ever since the night of their deaths, Otis has lived with us. He had said he wouldn't be able to live alone, yet alone, without her.

  The news channel blanked in then out, then in then out again, and then the power went out.

   I gasped and grabbed Maggie.

She grabbed me back.

      "It's okay girls, I gave the backup power switch in the basement. We're country folks."

     My daddy went to the basement and in seconds, the lights were on.

   I slept with Maggie in her bed for the night, and listened through the walls to my daddy and Otis talk about the possibilities of this crisis.

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