Chapter 3: About This Group

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"So, now we've got more people.I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing..."I chuckled as Maggie and I prepared dinner.

Tonight, we sacrificed one of out hens for this dinner; Lucy, my favorite one. She was a big girl, eight pounds.

"Well, I guess it goes both ways! We're not too alone anymore, and those people have a somewhat safe campsite. Win win for us all."Maggie smiled as she pulled out the chicken from the oven.

"Well I guess, but I don't know about that fat guy, Ed." I replied.

"Can't judge a book by its cover! Look at this as a new opportunity, in an old world. Now come on, foods ready, go get t everyone and I'll go get Glenn!" Maggie smiled and ran off.

Oh. Glenn's whose got her all bubbly and optimistic, I see! I thought as I called daddy and Otis and headed out towards the other's campsite.

"Hey, ummm dinners ready! " I looked at them as Ed, Carol, and Sophia sat in a circle whispering. Shane stood off to the side.

"Thanks, we'll be in there in just a second...just tryin to figure y'all out." Shane replied in a sarcastic voice.

"What do you mean by that...we're pretty simple people!" I said as I gave a small smile.

"Well, it's the end of the world, and you invite us to dinner, and allow us to camp out on your private, safe property. I mean I don't know you guys are different." Shane replied as he walked closer to me then stopped.

"I don't like to refer to this as the end of the world, but because we're nice and generous you can't trust us?" I asked.

"Well you clearly haven't been out there, have you. We've seen the people we trusted the most disown us, and watch their own family be eaten-"

"Dinner guys !"Maggie cut in as she shouted out from the front yard. Glenn was standing with her.

"So where are you all from?" Daddy asked the group at dinner.

"We're from Atlanta, but it got overran." Shane replied."I was a sheriff. My best friend, Rick he's, he's in Atlanta and I know he's alive out there. I'm going back in a couple days to find him, and I could use a hand."

"What about you three?" Otis looked at Ed, Carol, and Sophia.
"We're from Atlanta too." add replied rolling his eyes. Gosh, what's this mans problem!" I thought.

"And you?" My dad asked Glenn. He had cut Maggie off as she and him were whispering in a flirty manner.

"Oh me! I-I-I'm from Atlanta! Born there, grew up there!"He said dropping his fork. He's nervous, I laughed to myself.

"And how'd you guys meet?" Daddy asked.

"Well, I was filling out some documents at the station," Ed started.

"And out of no where about twenty of those things came out and started eatin and grabbin, and bittin anyone who they possibly could. We both ran,and he'd said that he didn't have a car, so we hopped in my car and drove to his house to pick up his wife and daughter." Shane added.

"And on the way they picked me up. I was delivering pizza and as I walked out to my car, one of those things tried to grab me. I didn't have time to crank up the car, so I was running in circles around the yard for my life, then they saved me." Glenn continued.

"And by the time they got us, we had clothes packed, and a few ready-to-eat meals." Carol ended.

"We've only been to one campsite and there was twenty of us, but they were bad.They treated us so well, until one day, they had revealedbuilding full of those things. Walkers. But they came out and started eating everyone alive. If you get bit, unless you quickly cut off the place that you werebit, you turn. and the only way to kill one of em is a head shot. We've been on the rode for quite some time. Y'all are the first human we've seem for a while." Shane took the last bite off food on his plate.

"Well, dinner was great girls." Daddy said to Maggie and I.

"Yes indeed girls, great job. They seem interesting.." Otis said.

"Yeah, Glenn seems nice! He-"

Maggie was cut off by the sound of a hoffifying scream.

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