Chapter 2: A New Group

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Hours became days, days became weeks, and weeks multiplied. We've been in the house for three weeks. Three weeks straight. Maggie and I've been taking occasional t

horse rides around our acres of land, Daddy and Otis go out and hunt for deer and rabbits every so often, but that's it.

Nothings changed. No TV, no mail,no computer no phone to chat with my friends, no boyfriend...boy I miss him.

Maggie and I stopped at a pharmacy about a mile out into town a few days ago, and I saw one of those things. We call em walkers, because they just walk. But it looked vicious. Rottin blood and teeth, rottin skin, rottin everything. It tried to get at us but Sunshine and Mimi, our horses were to fast for em.

The days went by slower and slower, and the slower they went by, the more we all changed. Otis became shallow. Maggie seemed hopeless, I felt lifeless, but Daddy always kept us up and together...but the worlds of the Bible didn't always help. Daddy went out to the local bar every now wland then leaving us with no idea where he was.

Daddy was an alcoholic when he was younger, and when days were hard like these, he drank and drank and drank. But datys like those can't even compare to days like these.

"Wanna help me get the eggs?" Maggie asked me as she stood at my doorway. I lied in my bed staring out the window. The world looked dead. All I could see was grass for miles.

"No...I'm just gonna lay here..."I replied covering my face with some covers.

"Com'on Beth ! What's the matter ?" Maggie asked me.

"I'm fine, I just don't wanna help you with the eggs !"I replied knowing I was lieing.

" Beth..."She said tilting her head slightly.

"I don't want to live like this. I'm not strong...if something happens, I won't make it by myself."I cried.

Maggie grabbed me and hugged me. "Beth you won't be alone. You'll grow stronger each day. I will always be here with you !"

For the rest of the day, we worked around the house, on the two trucks, and preparing for any surprises.

Maggie and I sat outside watching the day turn to noon, and suddenly, a small SUV pulled up on our private road.

"The gate! How'd they get past?!"Maggie jumped up as I slowly stood up.

"Daddy!" called to the house. "Otis!"

Daddy and Otis came running out.

"Go get the rifle, Otis"Daddy said.Otis ran inside.

As the suv pulled close to our house, they came to a slow stop. Daddy aimed the gun at the SUV and slowly the passengers came out with their arms in the air.

There was a tall tan white guy, a short haired white lady, a small little girl, and a fat rounded guy.

"I'm Shane, this is Carol, her husband Ed, and her daughter Sophia.We mean no harm, we're searching for a safehouse, we'll be on our way."Shane said as he started to turn back towards the auv.

"NO ! Stop, what's it like out there ?"Daddy asked Shane.

Shane turned back around towards us and begin. "It's bad. They travel slowbin large herds, but the herds are vicious. We saw one man eaten alive in Atlanta.That place is full of em. We call em walkers. Its not lookin good out there."

"Do y'all need water? Food?" Maggie said as she begin to walk towards the group.

"No, Mag wait."Daddy said. "Are any of y'all scratched or bitten?''Daddy asked .

"No."Said the lady."Neither is she, she said as she pulled her daughter closer.

"I'd be like one of those things if I was." The fat rounded guy snickered, then spit on the ground.

I already don't like him.

"Well, this place is safe. Until we get to know each other better, y'all can cap out over to the side."Daddy pointed out towards the shed.

"Y'all can have dinner with us at sundown."Maggie said.

"A home cooked meal would be awesome after weeks on the road!"An Asian guy came out from the back of the SUV.

"You are?!"Maggie asked as she raised her eyebrows.

" Oh, I'm sorry I'm Glenn."He said. I could tell he was clumsy and awkward. Maggie looked interested.

"Nice to meet you Glenn. See you at sundown."Daddy said as he walked off inside. Maggie and I followed.

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