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Prana means life/ breathe, which spiritually means life energising forces. Ayama means control/ extending . In this stage, one can learn how to control breathe. It is the vital stage of Ashtanga yoga. It is the connecting link between physical (asanas) and mental (meditation) yogic practises. Through Pranayama, one can also extend his life span. Pranayama is the systematic inhalation and exhalation of air which results better functioning of lungs and brain by ensuring oxygen to reach all over the body efficiently. It thus facilitates to concentrate more on god. It brings stillness and calmness to mind. It gives physical,mental and spiritual happiness. In daily life, it can be used to cleanse respiratory system, cure mucus and relieve from stress, depression, anxiety .
Pranayama should be done in a clean environment, free from dust and smoke. It is better to perform it early in the morning with empty stomach. It also improves blood circulation in the body.
Padmasana is the best posture to do it. Ensure that you are seated comfortably. Close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale the air deeply through left nostril. Now close the left nostril with ring finger of your right hand and exhale the air through right nostril. Next time perform it by inhaling through right nostril in the same way but through opposite nostrils.

 Next time perform it by inhaling through right nostril in the same way but through opposite nostrils

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