Chapter 1- "M-Mark??"

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"M-Mark??" donghyuck said while staring at the two shirtless bodies who were making out in the boy's bathroom, Mark turned around quickly upon hearing his name from what seems like his boyfriend's voice. 

Donghyuck had tears welling up in his eyes on the verge of spilling out. The only person who seemed unphased by all this was the football captain who was certainly sitting on the sink. Jeno was just smirking at how Donghyuck was about to cry, he always wanted to show the younger that he will always be first to Mark. Mark turned and looked at jeno and then at Donghyuck, " Hachanie... I'm sorry it's not what it looks like." Mark said while trying to hurry up and put his school's jersey on for which they had their first game of the season after school. 

Donghyuck just shook his head not wanting to hear it because he was exactly what it looked like, Haechan was looking for Mark all day and when he found him outside at the football field talking to Jeno. He felt a little uneasy at the sight so he decided to follow the pair. And where it led him to was the unruly sight that sits in front of him. His so-called boyfriend cheating, but when Haechan called out to Mark to make sure he wasn't mistaken it broke him even more because he was right it was Mark, Haechan turned around toward the door and walked out he didn't turn around when Mark was yelling for him, he didn't look back because if he did all the tears would have come flowing out. 

Luckily for Haechan, it was the end of the day so he decided why not stop at the convenience store to pick up ice cream and tissues for a sad and painful night that was ahead of him. When he got into the store it got a ton of ice cream and tissues, he went up to the cashier to pay for the items. " Hey kiddo," the cashier said to Haechan, " hey Yuta Hyung," Haechan said with a soft low voice, Yuta was Haechan's cousin which he was super close to than the rest of his family, as Yuta was scanning the items the total came up to $17.50 seeing that his cousin wasn't looking so great he paid for the things instead and told him to go home and rest. And that he did, he went home quickly because he didn't want to waste any time letting his icecream melt. 

When he got home he notified his parents that he was home and he would be upstairs in his room, after they gave him the okay he left towards his room. Haechan took off his school clothes and headed toward his bathroom to take a shower, he stood there for a moment trying to think and process what happens and once it hit him he broke down.

 After cleaning himself up he put his clothes on and sat on his bed and put on titanic and just started crying and eating, during all this downstairs his parents knew something to hurt their baby so they cooked his favorite food, when it was done Haechan's dad came upstairs to get his son, he knocked on the door a couple of times before it open. There stood his puffy-eyed son who was sniffling and had tears running down his eyes, once his dad saw this sight he pulled his son into a hug any dad would want to take care of their child when heartbroken or anything. Haechan just cried more while his dad took him downstairs to eat, he sat the very long table and just started eating and crying his parents didn't know what the situation was but they knew someone hurt their son and they didn't want to pressure him into talking about it because they knew he would tell them in the morning like he always does.

A/N: Hello everyone this is my first nct story that I am writing and I don't know whether or not you would like it or not but I will hope for the best :) and yes throughout the story i will say Haechan and or donghyuck, sorry if it confuses you. Also, haechan has a very close relationship with his parents especially his dad there will be a chapter about why soon

but anygays hope you like it.


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