Chapter 12: " What are you doing for Christmas?"

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"Hello, earth to Mark" Hendery waved his hand in front of Mark's face trying to get his attention. "ah, I'm sorry." Mark finally spoke after snapping out of his daydream, " I was saying do you play because you've been staring at my guitar for the past 5 minutes." Hendery stated while walking over to the corner to pick it up.

" oh yeah, I do. I use to sing songs with my ex a lot." Mark told him with a gloomy look. Hendery felt bad for Mark, though he just met him. Mark doesn't seem as bad as what he said. " wanna sing something now?" Hendery asked while trying to cheer the poor soul up. Mark shrugged and sat down, taking the guitar from hendery hands.

Mark started playing one of his songs that he used to play with Haechan, while playing Mark didn't realize he was tearing up while playing. This made Hendery worry for him because this is the 2nd time he cried and zoned out. When the song finished Mark was sobbing while clinging to the guitar, Hendery couldn't stand watching him. Hendery walked out of the room to give Mark some time to himself while he got some stuff to cheer him up, Hendery walked downstairs to gather some cookies that his mom made last night. They were very festive since it was Christmas week, he brought up some tissues and water just in case he was thirsty from crying.

Hendery walked back up the steps and peeked inside to check to see if he was done crying, which he was but he was laying on the floor. " MARK!" Hendery yelled running over to him, he bent down shaking him and checking if he was breathing. Hendery sighed with relief, Hendery threw Mark's arm over his shoulder and carried him to his bed, laying him down to rest. Hendery sighed again not knowing if Mark was suffering badly, "hmm I hope he gets better" Hendery spoke to himself.

An hour went by and Mark was still sleeping, and Hendery was scrolling through his phone on instagram. All of a sudden Hendery felt something moving, he looked over and saw Mark moving. Hendery sat his phone down and looked at him," Hey, you awake?" Hendery asked softly just in case he was asleep. " hmm, y-yeah" Mark yawned while sitting up, the two of them sat in silence for a couple of minutes. " um thanks..." Mark said while looking at him. "For what?" Hendery said confused, " you didn't do anything wrong." Hendery said comforting him. "I just- I'm sorry this is embarrassing, I'm sorry that you had to see me cry," Mark said sniffling almost as if he is going to cry again, Hendery couldn't help but hug him.

"hey, crying isn't something to be embarrassed about. You're human your allowed to cry plus better to cry now than later." Hendery said with a little chuckle, Mark smiled a bit after being comforted. "you know, I never got those cookies you told me about." Mark said smirking, Hendery laughed and handed him the Christmas cookies. "Don't worry they're not poisoned." Hendery smiled. Mark smiled and looked over at him. "hey um what are you doing for Christmas eve" Hendery asked.


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