p r o l o q u e

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What you do to me is indescribable,
Got me sparkling just like an emerald.
Set my soul on fire, make me wild,
Like the deep blue sea.

No other girl ever made me feel beautiful,
When I'm in your arms, feels like I have it all,
Is it your tattoos or golden grill,
That makes me feel this way?

Got me spinning like a ballerina,
Feeling gangsta every time I see ya,
You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of
Disaster, disaster

You got me spinning like a ballerina,
You're the bad girl that I always dreamed of,
You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of
Disaster, disaster

Got mascara thick, I get emotional
You know I was more than just a party girl.
Isn't hard to see what's goin' on,
I'm so far gone (mmm, so far gone)

When I saw your face it was incredible,
Painted on my soul, it was indelible.
We celebrate our twisted fate,
We're the broken ones

Got me spinning like a ballerina,
Feeling gangsta every time I see ya,
You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of
Disaster, disaster.

You got me spinning like a ballerina,
You're the bad girl that I always dreamed of,
You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of
Disaster, disaster.

Ladies and gentlemen,
For the very first time!

You got me spinning like a ballerina,
Feeling gangsta every time I see ya,
You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of
Disaster, disaster

You got me spinning like a ballerina,
You're the bad girl that I always dreamed of,
You're the king and I'm the beauty queen of
Disaster, disaster

Kwon Eunbi ist 18 Jahre alt. Sie führt ein perfektes Leben, sie ist hübsch, freundlich, beliebt und eine Einser-Schülerin, doch sie hat ein Geheimnis.

Sie hatte etwas mit der zwei Jahre jüngeren Ahn Yujin, der besten Freundin ihre Schwester Wonyoung.

Obwohl Eunbi die Sache beendet hat, kann Yujin es nicht lassen und flirtet bei jeder Gelegenheit mit Eunbi.

Kann Eunbi Yujins Charme standhalten?

Dies ist meine erste Iz*One Story, yayy. Ich hoffe euch gefällt die Idee. ♡♡

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