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your eyes, 

are handcrafted stained glass windows

filtering sunlight into an empty cathedral,

a glorious display of God's colour palette.

your body,

 is an ancient temple

adorned with all the finery of this world,

that i long to worship in.

your voice

is a hymn

sung by an angel choir,

heavenly voices proclaiming the beauty of the Creator.

your mind,

is sacred scripture,

to be studied and meditated on,

until the end of days.

every touch is divine,

every kiss is worship,

and when our bodies meet it is a testament to the goodness of the One who created this fire inside of us.

don't let them tell you that the Divine has not ordained this passion between us,

because if there's one thing im sure of,

one thing i believe with all my heart,

it's that you and i are holy.

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