Chapter Six

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"There is blood magic on this" Regina says looking at the box. "But I'm sure she will open it if we ask nicely" she smiles. "She will absolutely hate it if we open it without her permission. And I'm not about to break that trust with my daughter."

"That's quite alright. Just sit it down for now." Says the Doctor.

He goes back over to the little robot bugs and takes out his sonic. He scans it.

"What's that?" Emma was the one to ask.

"My sonic screwdriver. Best thing in the universe" he says as his Ship makes a protest sound. "Second best thing." He smirks tapping his ship.

"She can speak?" Regina wonders.

"Mhm. Yes she's alive" Amy grins.

"Interesting." Regina hummed.

"Ah. Mhm. Not good." The Doctor says tapping his sonic.

"What's not?" Rory asks before anyone else could.

"They have been with her for at least sixteen years, so whoever sent her to where you adopted her from put these in her as a baby. Oh a baby? That would have been painful for her." He sighs.

"But why?  The Silence if they are watching over her, why the need for these?" He asks out loud to himself.

"Unless" he thinks.

"Unless what?" Regina asks but he is still in thinking mode.

"Doctor" River snaps him from his thoughts he looks at her then to the rest.

"Oh, yes. Well maybe it's not The Silence. But the one she has been seeing found her here or followed. Okay" He clicks his tongue off the roof of his mouth "Unsure to why just yet. But" he turns round and picks the robot worms up ''These are Simmons as I mentioned mainly unused in prisons to keep track of their prisoners, but only in high up alien prisons but only mainly used if they are highly dangerous or as I said keeping tabs for other reasons. Still they are far from their home. But" He turns back to them.

"So like Stormcage?" Amy says

"Precisely though they stopped using them a century or so ago, someone made sure of that." He makes a face.

"Yeah, and it took me some time however they still have some locked away." River smirks at the Doctor when he looks at her.

"Well They came up, meaning whoever has given them to her will be on their way possibly, maybe perhaps." He says ignoring what River just said.

"So you are saying, someone sent her to where I adopted her from, the person who sent her kept track of her. And could very well be on their way, Yet it's not the same people that are in cahoots with these aliens she has been seeing?" Regina speaks the truth while being confused not realising she just answered her own question.

"Precisely" he smiles at her. "It could be her birth parents. Maybe they were in prison and sent her away for safety or for a better life like Emma did for Henry.".

"So, yet again more birth parents to deal with and they could possibly take my child away from me." She sighs now feeling useless and like the universe is hating on her once again.

Emma walks over to Regina, she puts her hand on her shoulder, "That won't happen, you don't even know if it's her Birth parents that is coming, Could be someone who had to take her from them? Or maybe something along those lines Regina" Emma places her index finger and turns Regina to look at her.

"You're a wonderful perfect Mom, to Henry and Iris, they both love you like you love them. You have always been there for both of them and you will always be their Mother regardless of anything." Regina looks into Emma's eyes and tears begin to form. They share a moment stuck gazing into one another's eyes.

"Thank you Swan, must be the first time you've said anything that's truly correct." She smirks at her.

"Oh, thanks I try to comfort you and you insult me." Emma chuckles.

"Hm. Well, you deserve it for being all Soft with words." She laughs back.

"Oh great." Rory says "It's like River and The Doctor all over again." He groans.

"Huh?" The Doctor looks at him.

"The flirting. He's on about flirting" Amy laughs.

"We were not flirting" Regina and Emma protest in union.

"You were" River chuckles at them. "Very much so" she smiles.

"Was adorable. I can see why she sees you both love one another, I can see it too" Amy smiles warmly at the woman.

"Okay, whatever. Can we get back to my daughter please?" Regian asks.

"Yes." The Doctor says.

"HEY" says Iris "WHAT THE HELL" she storms over and picks up her Box hugging it tightly to her chest.

"This is mine. Why do you have it?" She clings to it still.

"Sweetie, we just needed something of yours to figure out where you come from and those bugs." River tries to calm her down and she could see she was really upset about this.

"We haven't opened it, we were waiting on you." Regina walks up to her.

"No." She says, "It's mine and mine only." She half smiles.

"Okay, sorry pumpkin" Regina kisses her forehead.

"Mum" she backs away.

"What?" Regina looks confused.

"I'm sixteen now" she sits her box back down.

"And you're still my little pumpkin" Regina laughs.

"Rude!!" Iris says looking over at the others.

"Wait? You can figure out who my birth parents are?" She looks at River.

"Ahh" the Doctor butts in. "Yes, and no. We can put in whatever you have from your birth parents and get my Tardis to take us to them. But only if you want to."

She thinks about it for a moment. "Maybe another time."

"Okay, Regina can I have a look in your house please? and Iris can I have a little look at your room?" The Doctor wonders. "I need to scan and see what I can figure out." He looks at them. They both Shake their heads at him, telling him yes.

"Sweet let's go" Amy says heading to the door.

"Actually I have a question, why is your daughter Scottish? Yet we are clearly in America yet she uses English Words?" River asks now more curiously than ever.

"Too much TV" Regina says. The Doctor squinted an eye, he remembered Emma said something happened then she was scottish.

"Let's go" Regina headed to the door unsure how to tell them alien or not how her daughter changed everything about her, but her eyes.

Emma said nothing.

"Mental note. Ask about this again later" The Doctor whispered to River.

And they all headed out the Tardis and headed to Regina's.

Regina also took a mental note as she walked along she questioned herself 'Is my daughter an alien too?' She shakes the question from her head as they continue to make their way to hers.

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