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And just like that my mind and was off Peter and focused on the party. I'd actually seen this really cute guy and I think he noticed me. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hi I'm Levi" he says
"Hi I'm Lara Jean" I say
"I saw you earlie, I thought you were cute so can I have your number"
"Yeah of course, its 3**-***-****"
"Do you wanna get ok it if here its kinda hot"
"Yeah sure"
I explain to him how I am leaving UNC for UVA and he siad he was also going to transfer there for lacrosse and I told him I was transferring for volley ball and cheerleading. I didn't bring up Peter. He then walked me back to my dorm.
"Hey why dont we drive together when we both transfer" He says
"Yeah let's do it" I say
Ava is already there when I get back and asked for everything and I tell her it all.

It's been a week and I am transferring with Levi. We have been talking all week and I really like Levi.
"Hey Lara Jean I want you to know that I like you"
"I like you too Levi"
He leans in and when he does I let him. His kiss was so soft I loved it. He pulls away and grabs my hand. "Let's do this Lara Jean."
When we finally arrive at UVA, we head to the admissions office and tell them we were transfers and they give us room keys. After we unpack and get settled Levi takes me to the lacrosse dinner they were having that night since all of the guys were bringing their girlfriends. On the way there I tell Levi about Peter and had met peter before and they were "bros" I guess this is the Levi, Peter always brought up. Levi is shocked and I reassure him it's over and I'm with him now. Once we get there I see Peter alone. I see he is shocked to see me with Levi. I meet the coach and he his very fond over me and he seems really happy that Levi made the transfer. Its only been a week since I broke up with peter and I'm mostly over him. I think. I hope. I'm not on very him at all but that's not fair to Levi so I have to let it go. I hope i can I'll try.  I mean there will always be apart of me that remains to him since he was my first boyfriend. I didn't talk to Peter at all that evening, he was unusually quiet. Later that evening peter comes up to me while I'm waiting for Levi.
"What is that Lara Jean"
"Why do you care Peter"
"Lara Jean we just broke up a week ago, you just got over it so quickly"
Levi puts his arm around me "Is he bothering you Lara Jean"
"No can we just get going"
"Yeah let's go" in the car I explain what Peter said Levi said he's just jealous and he has my back. I thought that was so cute. Once we get back to  the dorms I give him a quick kiss on the lips and I head in and by the way my roommate Olivia is so sweet she also is a volleyball player and my other roommate Jade is a cheerleader how funny. Once I get back I take a shower and fell asleep so quickly I was so tired.

To all the boys I've loved before:college WITH A TWIST Where stories live. Discover now