the competition

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We were at our competition. This is our last competition of the season. I'm so excited our routine.
"Hey Lara Jean are you excited" My teammate Jenny says to me.
"Of course"
They then announce us and we go out we start our routine. Peter is in the stands watching. Midway through our routine I am we are stunting and I'm on top of their hands and they drop getting ready to throw me up and they throw me up and I spin. I hit the ground on my ankle first. It hurts so bad. All of a sudden everyone is surrounding me even judges. I'm not crying because I'm in shock I know it.  All of a sudden peter is right but my side. The ambulance comes and I cant stand. The EMT's put me on a stretcher and put me in a neck brace since I had landed really hard.  Peter is right by my side the whole time. I love him so much. In the ambulance they check my vitals. Once I get to the hospital they say my ankle is shattered and they out straight into surgery. Peter texts kitty and my dad that I'm at the hospital and the come and since UVA is only fifteen minutes away from my house I went to the same hospital I would normally go to.
After surgery I wake up and I'm so hungry. Peter is still right beside me.
"Hey Peter"
"Yes Covey"
"Thanks for staying with me"
"Why wouldn't I" Then kitty and my dad walk in. I'm so happy to see them. They got me some balloons, chocolates, and a get well card. We talk for a little while. Then the doctor walks in and tells me I'm going to need a cast and crutches for 8 weeks, then a boot and some recovery after that. It breaks my heart that is not be able to do volleyball or cheer. Later that day my coaches come and teammates come from cheer and volleyball. Both coaches say I'm still on the teams and they'll be waiting for the day I come back.

To all the boys I've loved before:college WITH A TWIST Where stories live. Discover now