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Its been three months since Pete rbroke up with me and I know live kn l.a with the hype house. (Pretend charli doesn't exist. And your style and everything is like Charli, you are pretty much chalri same style and everything) Me and this guy Chase Hudson are exclusive and I really really like him. He is a co-founder and the other co-founder Thomas Petrou  is like ny brother we hang out a lot and he is so nice and sweet. Everyone in the house eis so sweet and I gett about 1 million followers everyday its crazy. Now I am at 90 million followers. I live in the house and me and chase live in the same room. I wake up and go downstairs after getting ready.
"Hey Thomas"
"Oh hey lara"(thats your nickname)
"So what are you doing"
"Oh looking at new house are lease is about to expire, I am looking at the old clout house"He shows it to me"
"Wow, thats perfect"
"Yep I'm in touch with the landlord and he says we can come look today if we want"
"Yeah of course"
"Wanna go now"
"Sure" We hop into the car and drive there on the way we get dunkin and have a conversation we go and the landlord shows us around the house and its so big, its prefect. Tjpmas yells the landlord we like it and we are moving in, in 3 days. Skip 3 days. We move in and the house is perfect i have my own closet and me and chase have the biggest room in the house.

To all the boys I've loved before:college WITH A TWIST Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora