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Yesterday was a dream we won state. Peter's right next to me. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I stroke his hair. I get out of bed and go hop in the shower. When I walk back into the room Peter is there on his phone. He doesn't have lacrosse today. He is going to my cheer competition but is going with all the boyfriends since they cant come on the bus.
"Covey I'm going to go and get ready"
"Ok love you" he gives me a quick peck on the lips and leaves. I get ready and I feel so ready this is also states for cheer. I'm so excited. Afyer I'm all ready I just am sitting on my bed when u hear the knock on the door. I get off my bed and open it. Jade had gotten ready a lot earlier than me and went to her boyfriends dorm. She does it before every comp. When I open the door its John Ambrose.
"Is Lara Jean here?"
"Um it's me Lara Jean"
" Oh Hi lara jean"
"Hi John Ambrose"
"I saw you at the volleyball game yesterday and asked one of your teammates for your dorm number so I could see you"
"Um can I come in"
"Uh sure not for long I'm leaving soon"
"For what"
"I have a cheer competition"
"Oh you do cheer"
"Cool.. uh. Hi I wanted to say I, I've missed you,"
"Ok" all of a sudden there's a knock
"Imma go answer that" I answer it its Peter. He greets me with a kiss.
"Oh hi John"
"Hi, I was about to leave bue Lara Jean"
"Bye" I say he walks out the door.
"What was that Lara Jean"
"I dont know he got my dorm number and said he missed me it was wierd"
"We need to get going"
"Yeah" We walk out of my dorm and to bus and all the boyfriends are over there.
"Bye Peter"
"Bye Covey" I give him a quick kiss and hop on the bus. On the way there we all just talk. We arrive at the competition. It's so crowded. Our team performs and we do really well.
"And the first place trophy goes to UVA" We all jump and scream. We fricken won states. I run up and grab the trophy. We all get medals and we get a banner and since the coach had recently made me captain I get the trophy. Its huge , the trophy is like 6 feet. Its taller than me. Afterwards we take the bus to olive garden and eat. All the boyfriends went back to UVA.
"Lara Jean I thin you should give a speech"my coach says
"SPEECH SPEECH SPEECH" my team says.
"Ok ok, well this year has been a whirlwind, our team has gotten through so mucha and we deserve this trophy, everyone has worked so hard, we all deserve this" We eat. I get a salad since I have a volleyball team dinner tommorow. We take the bus back and I'm so tired. Jade and I walk back to the dorm together. Once we get back to the room I take off my makeup and get changed into my pajamas and braid my hair. It's been perfect.

To all the boys I've loved before:college WITH A TWIST Where stories live. Discover now