One Punch

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10 months before the UA entrance exam

Izuku was walking underneath a bridge after a painfully average day of school. Bakugou blew up his hero notebook and threw it out the window with the usual joke about him jumping out after it. He didn't expect Izuku to actually do it as when he jumped out of the window, he ran to it and looked down, only to see him land on both feet unharmed. "Are you crazy stupid Deku!? You're just lucky that you didn't die from this height." Izuku ignored him like usual, and got his notebook from the pond.

As he almost was out from under the bridge, he heard something rumbling behind him. A villain that was made of sludge popped out from the sewer and said that Izuku would make a nice skin suit. The villain lunged at Izuku, and before a single drop of sludge could even touch him, he hit the villain with a single punch. The power of the punch blew the villain apart, sending all of it's sludge parts everywhere.

All Might then appeared from the sewers with his signature catchphrase, "I AM HERE" as he saw the aftermath of the sludge villain. "ALL MIGHT CAN YOU SIGN MY NOTEBOOK?!" the boy asks excitedly. All Might signs it, and asks what happened with the sludge villain as he looks at it splattered everywhere. Izuku nonchalantly says, "He tried to attack me so I defended myself."

The hero was shocked at the power that Izuku must have, but he felt his limit coming close. He asked Izuku to help him clean up the mess of the villain, as they quickly gathered the sludge into a bottle. All Might prepares to jump off as Izuku tries to ask him a question. With no time, he jumps off, but Izuku clinged onto his leg.

The two land on the top of a building, and as Izuku asks his question, "Can I be a hero without a quirk?" All Might turns back into his weak form. Izuku stares at the new form blankly as he says, All Might what happened to you? He then explains the injury that he got a long time ago from a villain, and then he asks Izuku a question. "You must be joking about being quirkless right? That sludge villain was splattered against the walls!" Izuku simply said "He wasn't that strong."

All Might doesn't know how to react to this kid. Was that sludge villain really that easy to beat that a quirkless boy that looks pretty muscular can defeat him? He thinks to himself that there's no way he's quirkless, but he says what he believes. "If you really don't have a quirk, I don't think you can become a hero. You'll just be a liability. You can always work for the police though."

Izuku simply says while smiling, "I'm going to prove you wrong" as he jumps off the top of the building and lands. All Might was at a loss for words. "Who the hell was that kid? He must have been messing with me, but that look he gave me. He couldn't have been lying..." He then hears an explosion from a couple blocks away, where he realizes that the bottles that had the villain were gone. All Might rushes towards the scene, as Izuku curiously jogs over to the explosions.

When Izuku got there, he felt guilty for letting this happen. If he didn't grab onto All Might's leg, then the poor soul who was getting attacked by the sludge villain wouldn't be in this situation. Izuku saw the heroes not even trying to save the victim and become disgusted. When he was about to walk up to the villain and defeat it again, he saw Bakugou's tearful eyes meet his. This caused Izuku to jump to action, flying over the heads of the crowd watching the attack.

Izuku felt all his power he was restraining for the longest time come to the surface, but he had to bury it in order to not destroy the city. "Why am I doing this? I hate Bakugou! Ugh, I have to be the hero here if these fakes won't do anything. Screw you All Might."

As Izuku flew towards the villain's face, he threw one of the most forceful punches he had ever done. The punch was right in front of Bakugou's face as he watched in horror. His punch stopped before he hit Bakugou, as the air pressure traveled past and around his face, causing the sludge villain to get dismantled by the wind. Within just a second, the villain was splattered against the alley way and some parts could be found miles away from the scene, as Bakugou stood there, free. The punch was so powerful, that the once cloudless sky was filled with clouds. Rain fell as Izuku saw an emotion he never saw Bakugou have. Fear.

All Might was in the crowd and was freaking out mentally. "Th-that kid... He's just as powerful as I was in my prime! Was he.. Holding back too!?"

The crowd cheered as Bakugou was praised by the heroes and media for having a strong quirk, but they mostly praised Izuku for saving him and having unimaginable strength. When asked to give a statement, Izuku smiled and took a breath.

"This is to show that heroes today are fake. Isn't a hero supposed to be someone who risks their lives for the public? What if I wasn't here to jump in? I'm a child with virtually no hero experience, while you guys are professionals. Why does it matter that the type match up isn't good? You're supposed to protect people. I could've just stood there watching as Bakugou died like you would've let him. Did you not even notice that his eye wasn't made of sludge, meaning that was a weak point? You guys should be ashamed to even call yourselves heroes."

Izuku hands the microphone back to the media as he walks off with a smile on his face. Bakugou is still in absolute shock from everything. 

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