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"Oh my god, Kay I love you, this dress is everything!" I scream into the phone with excitement at my best friend. She laughs in response, "I told you I would hook you up, the designer is talented right?"

"Yes! You have to give me her information I see a future of giving her my business" I say with a huge smile on my face. "Okay girl I will. I can't wait to see your gown, I know you are going to look stunning" I sigh, "I hope so, the dress is beautiful" I say dreamily.

"And so is the woman who is going to be in it tonight" I roll my eyes as if she can see me. "Don't roll your eyes at me heffa" I take the phone from my ear and look at it wondering how she knew before placing it back to my face.

"Whatever, I have to be there earlier than you so I'm going to hang up and get myself ready" "okay I'll see you there girl" she says and ends the call.

I throw my phone on the bed and strip down. Time to get myself wash and primped. Tonight is a big night and the more I think about it I start to feel a ball of nerves in the pit of my stomach. I shouldn't be nervous this is not my first time hosting the gala.

It's not about the gala it's about who you're going with. I tell my inner self to shut the hell up because she does not know what she is talking about. Sure I don't. I mentally roll my eyes and shut down all those thoughts as I turn on my speaker and head into the bathroom.

Smoothing my hands over my dress for the tenth time I look in the mirror. The dress is beautiful, it's in the exact color I wanted, royal blue. I don't even know who the woman staring back at me is. My hair is full of curls from a perm rod set I did yesterday and let dry.

I lift my dress to make sure I like the silver heels I paired it with. After the third shoe I think it's the one. They go perfect with the necklace hanging down my neck drawing attention to my breast that are on display in a way that is classy but sexy.

I look over at the clock on my nightstand. He should be here any minute and I feel like I am going to throw up.

As if on cue the doorbell rings. I spray a couple pumps of perfume, grab my things, and take one last look in the mirror before I head downstairs.

I open my door to a sight that has my words stuck in my chest. Rio is standing there in a clean cut fitted royal blue suit, with a crisp white dress shirt, a solid royal blue tie looking as if it was tied to perfection, and my mind can't help but imagine him wrapping it around my wrist as he fucks me until the sun comes up.

My eyes travel to his feet, brand new Tom Ford dress shoes covering them, and as if that isn't enough to make me swoon. My eyes catch a glimpse of his sliver cuff links and silver Rolex watch. But drawing me in even more was his cologne, he had on Lalique from the Bentley Crystal Edition. That cologne alone cost nearly $4,600 and he smelled so damn good in it.

This man is sexy as sin and he is here for me and the look he is giving me sends tremors straight to my core. He looks like he wants to eat me alive but I mean it has to just be the dress right?

"You look breathtakingly gorgeous, I love you in royal blue" he tells me as he takes me in from head to toe and lets out a breath. A part of me smiles knowing that I secretly chose the color because of him. "Thank you, you look good yourself. You clean up nicely." I say trying not to give away that my heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears.

"You've only ever saw me dress up once when I took you to prom. I thought I'd give you a reminder of how well I can clean up." He gives me a smile that makes my coochie cream and I know my panties are ruined for the night.

He's right but there is a huge difference from then and now. He was a boy who looked handsome then and now he was a man who oozed sex appeal. "Are you ready to go?" He asks breaking through my thoughts.

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