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I am beyond pissed the fuck off. How dare someone think they were going to take my woman's last breath. I close my eyes and breath before I lose it in this car. I want blood no negotiation.

The business I went to Vegas for turned out to be bullshit. The lead I had turned out to be fake and I was not going on a wild goose chase, fuck that. I should have known something was up from jump but my head wasn't all the way there.

The lead I had was just a plot to get me away from Tamera. Whoever did this fucked up thinking I would leave her vulnerable. She always has somebody tailing her. I didn't tell her because then I would have to let her know all the shit that has been going on.

I have been keeping things from her but that stops now. I am going to tell her everything and that means more than just business. I am tired of sleeping in another room when I know the both of us want to be laying together.

She has feelings for me real feelings and I see that. She has feelings for this me I can see it in her eyes and in the way she moves like she is connected to me. I don't know why I didn't pick up on it months ago but I guess I was blinded by my own thoughts clouding my head.

She thinks I don't feel that way about her I can tell from the way she sensors herself when thoughts cross her mind. Little does she know I can read every thought that crosses her mind. It is written all over her face.

I have been trying to give her time to figure things out but her time has run out. I want my woman and I am ready for her.

I know she probably thinks I am going to drill her for not telling me about the gun but I am proud of my little melon. She saved her own life and I love her even more for that. It is a huge turn on.

I collect myself as best I can as I park on her street and me and Malik get out of the car. "You alright boss?" He asks me as we walk up to her door. I shake my head "no but once we put a bullet through the skull of whoever order this hit then maybe" he nods in understanding.

I unlock the door and as soon as I close it she runs up to me and jumps into my arms. I hold onto her easily and take in her scent. Peaches and vanilla, she always smells like peaches and vanilla.

"You missed me baby" I say placing a firm hand under her ass. She nods into my neck holding onto me tightly. "I missed you too,trust me" I whisper in her ear.

I place her back on her feet as she slowly slides herself down my body. She feels so good but I can't let myself go there right now we have a lot to talk about.

"Come on" I tell her as I grab her hand and take her up the steps with me. I take us into her room and shut the door. As soon as I close the door I push her up against it and kiss her the way I've been itching to for months.

I grip her ass with both my hands pushing her into my erection that is threatening to bust out my jeans. I groan in her mouth when she starts to play with the hairs on the back on my neck. I feel a tingle shoot straight to my balls.

I nibble on her lip and she whimpers before I pull away. If I don't stop now I am going to take her right here and now. We need to talk first before any of that can happen.

Her chest is heaving as I watch her breast move up and down. "What the hell was that?" She asks through a breath. "If you have to ask then I'll just have to show you again, yeah?" I go to lean in again but she puts her hands on my chest.

"This is not fair Rio! Why the fuck do you think it is okay to play with me like this huh? This is straight bullshit and you know it" she yells at me once she has steadied her breathing.

"No, what I know is I love you and have loved you since as long as I can remember. It has always been you" she shakes her head. "Stop it just stop this is not funny" her voice breaks on the last word.

"It's not, I am as serious as I can be right now. I knew how you use to feel about me. I thought that those were feelings for who I use to be, who I was. I didn't think you could love this part me of like you did the old part of me. I am never going to be him again. I am never going to get out of this lifestyle entirely either. I tried and it just didn't feel right.

"I really convinced myself that when I got here I would but I was going to do it for you not for me. Once I realized that I was afraid to tell you because I thought you would kick me out of your life and I can't be without you, I tried and I can't. My heart beats for you it is in tune with yours I can't let you go if I tried. I just don't want to suffer anymore I know what I want. I want to love and be loved and the only person who gave truly give me that is you Tamera."

Tears are sliding down her cheeks and I go to wipe them off with my hands. She opens her mouth to speak. "I-I love you too. I have since we were kids. I never once cared about who you chose to be or what lifestyle you lived I just knew I never wanted to be without you.

"I don't care if you never leave this way of life as long as you never leave me again. I thought when you left and didn't say goodbye it was because I wasn't enough for you, you didn't feel the way I felt for you.

"I have loved you for so long I don't know how to stop. I don't care if you change your name a million times you will always be the same man I feel in love with all those years ago.

"You have molded me to be yours since the moment you came into my life and you I didn't even know it. I move when you move, I am connected to you more than anyone else in the world. I want you, I just want you." She confesses before breaking down all over again.

I pull her into my chest and hold her until she finally calms. "You are mine you know that baby" I say to her as I hold her face in my hands. She nods, "yes" I peck her lips.

"I am not sleeping in the other room anymore just so you know" her face breaks out in a smile "I know, I wouldn't want you to" I smile back at her. "We still have to talk about some things" she moves her mouth to my ear and lick the shell of it.

"Later baby" she whispers in my ear. My dick is instantly rock hard again. She unbuttons and unzips my jeans. Reaching her hands into my pants gripping me. "Don't you think we should wait until we are finish talking sweetheart" I groan out.

She leaves a trail of kisses down my neck as she strokes me. "I said later baby, we have waited long enough for each other, don't you think" she responds. I can't even think with her gripping me and stroking me the way she is.

She starts to lightly suckle on my neck speeding up the rhythm she had created with her hand. I grip her pressing my fingers into her back. Pushing her closer to me.

I feel when I am about to combust and I reach the pull her hand out but she only grips me firmer and increases her speed. "Baby let go" I try to command her but it falls onto deaf ears. "You let go first" she challenges.

"Fuck" I breath out once I know I am close and she is not letting go. "Fuck baby, shit" I roar out and clamp my mouth to her shoulder as I release into her hand. She moans in pleasure. Where has my shy girl gone? I think to myself once she finally pulls her hands from my pants.

I watch as she licks her hand and fingers clean. I growl as I feel myself harden all over again. If this is what she wants then I'll give it to her.

Never in a million yearsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum