Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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Galand the Commandment of Truth stood before the helpless bodies of the Sins, all hope of success sucked out of them. Blood covered the floor beneath them as the area around them turned into sheer ruins, the air filled with nothing more but chaos and despair. Many buildings were destroyed, and all living life in the area was exterminated.

Cries of grief could be heard coming from one of the floating, purple cubes, an incantation put up by the Sin of Gluttony, Merlin, while panicked heaves could be heard from the other. As Galand approached the two perfect cubes holding the Princess and King Arthur, an unknown presense appeared behind him. Slowly turning around to face his newly-found target, he was met with a girl, around 5ft 3 in height with chestnut, brown hair, her eyes sending endless death stares in the demon's direction.

"Leave then alone." She spoke sternly, without a single trace of fear or worry in her voice.

"And who are you to tell me what to do little girl? Do you wish to become like these fools beneath my feet?" Galand spat out, venom present in his voice.

"Who I am doesn't matter, all that matters is that you're not going to lay another finger on any of them" She stated with confidence.

At what seemed like the speed of lightning, a sharp spear got launched in the girl's direction, sinking into her shoulder, blood gushing out. She jolted back, caught by suprise by the sudden attack. As more spears came in her direction she muttered out a simple phrase, "Full Counter", and Galand disappeared to safety in the blink of an eye.

Putting pressure on her wound, the girl walked over to the fallen soldiers, closing her eyes and placing her hands above their suffering bodies. A warm and comforting aura filled the atmosphere, and all the once-lethal injuries started vanishing slowly from their bodies. Her energy drained, the girl used the last bit of power she had to eliminate the damage that had been done to the Captain of the Sins, Meliodas. His eyes fluttered open and met her dark, blue ones for a split second, before her eyes closed shut and she was brought into darkness.
Hiii, so this is the first chapter to my book that probably no one is going to read. If u do read it, just know you're a legend.

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