Chapter 3: Introductions

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The sins shared glances between one another, not wanting to be the first one to speak. After what felt like forever, Meliodas broke the silence and said,
"You're in my tavern. You're safe."
Not even a second later, King came rushing in with a quesiton of his own, not letting the girl process any of the information she had just received.

"Who are you? Whats your name? Where did you come from"

"Jesus King let the girl think for a second before bombarding her with questions" Diane spoke out, feeling symapthy for the puzzled girl.

"No it's alright, I understand his concern. My name is Willow and I come from Kaynes village, not far from here." She replied, meeting King's honey eyes and giving him a small smile; a sign of understanding.

"What are you? Fairy? Druid? Or maybe your a demon serving the ten commandments huh?" Ban spat, putting one arm centimeters away from Willow's head, his face about an inch away from hers as he stared straight into her eyes, as if he could magically read her mind and uncover all her secrets with one look. He was taken aback when she didn't react or flinch the tiniest bit by his abrupt action, her eyes not showing the slighest change of emotion and her body not making an attempt to move away. Keeping the eye contact, she simply replied
"I'm Willow, just Willow."

"Ban get away from her." Meliodas ordered, giving Ban a stern look which he ignored, all his focus on Willow, as if looking away would kill him.

"But capta-" Ban was immediately cut off by Meliodas giving another command, this time his voice risen and more stern.

"Ban. Get away from her now. It's an order."
Reluctantly, Ban slowly backed away but he continued sending glares towards Willow. It wasn't anything on Willow, he just had a hard time trusting anyone and everyone. He knew it wasn't fair on the newly-found girl, but he couldn't help it, it was just his nature.

"Since you introduced yourself to us I think it's our turn. We're known as the Se-" This time Meliodas was cut off as Willow quickly finished off his sentence.

"The Seven Deadly Sins"

The room became silent as Willow realised she answered that question a bit too quickly.

"I've heard many rumours about you guys. From being framed for the murder of the leader of Holy Knights to becoming world-wide heroes of our kingdom. I've heard it all" She explained, the group didn't trust her as it was, so she had to be extra careful with how she worded things.

"Do you think we're heroes? Or traitors?" Meliodas questioned, curious about her opinion on them.

"I never thought of you guys as traitors. Someone who had risked their life countless times saving the people of Britannia wouldn't kill one of the most important people to it, it just wouldn't make sense. I'm just glad to see you guys gaining the recognition you deserve again" She explained, sending a smile towards every member of the group. They all stared at her dumbfounded and a bit taken aback. Despite all the rumours of them being traitors and murders, this girl continued to support and believe in them, which is something not many people they know could say. It was obvious they didn't receive compliments often, as that one simple statement left the whole group flattered.

"How are you so powerful Willow?" Diane asked, becoming more interested in this girl the more she spoke to her.

"I don't think I'm powerful at all if I'm being honest, I just got lucky this time and the opponent decided to flee. I didn't achieve that with my power, just simple luck." Willow explained, shrugging her shoulders.

"How did you know where we were or how to find us?" King asked, learning from his mistakes and only asking one question this time.

"You guys are some of the strongest people in the kingdom so your power is unmissable. I've always felt it. I was in the forest nearby when it happened, so when I felt all your power levels dropping so suddenly and all at once I knew something was wrong, so I got there as quickly as I could. I'm sorry I didn't get there faster" Willow apologised, letting her head hang low and eyes drift to her hands.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Willow, you saved our life, and we will have an ever-lasting debt to you" Meliodas spoke out, sending a thankful and genuine smile towards her as the rest of the sins nodded their heads in agreement. Suddenly the bedroom door burst open, and a small pig appeared in the frame.

"Alright guys I think that's enough interrogating for today, let the lady have some rest, she deserves it" Hawk exclaimed, urging the sins to hurry up and leave the girl in peace. They all started walking out the room one by one; sending a glance towards Willow before walking downstairs to the bar. King was the last sin left to exit the room,

"Hope you get better soon Willow, we need you." He spoke truthfully, looking towards her with a sad smile before exiting the room. Finally, only Hawk and Willow were left in the room.

"I'm hoping they didn't annoy you too much Lady" Hawk said, jumping up onto the bed to sit next to Willow.

"They were fine, truly." Willow answered, smiling down at the talking pig, which would've freaked out any normal person.

"I'm Hawk by the way, Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal" Hawk announced, proud of the official title he had gained since being on his adventure with the Sins.

"I'm Willow, and it's an honour to meet you Hawk."

They both smiled at eachother before Hawk exited the room, letting Willow drown herself in thoughts as she found herself drifting to sleep.
Kinda scared at how many people read the first two chapters of my book because I was defo not expecting that many people. Thank you so much to whoever decided to click on my book and read it :) Make sure to comment if u have any questions or if u just want to talk, I'm down to make new friends

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